Wednesday, June 13, 2012

US Military Drones: Death From Above! (Homeland Security Drones) (VIDEO)


If the feds, the military industrial complex and police agencies all over the country have their way, drones will be flying and performing various "duties" up in the wild blue yonder.

That is until they crash, as one did the other day in Maryland.

Drones over America is a disaster waiting to happen. In 2015, when the FAA signs off on the plan to employ aircraft now used to summarily execute al-Qaeda wanna-bes and school children, we can expect sooner or later one of these things colliding with an airliner.

Since the United States does not publicly acknowledge its drone program, there is no way to know how many of these expensive predator devices have crashed, although we periodically hear about them going down in Pakistan's tribal region.


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