Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bilderberg 2012 Exclusive: Webster Tarpley on Rand Paul, Ron Paul, and Mitt Romney (VIDEO)


This is an exclusive interview taken on Thursday May 31st, 2012 which was before Rand announced his official support for neocon Mitt Romney.

This clip comes out of a three hour interview that we did with Tarpley for our future documentary motion picture.

None of the interview was going to be released until the documentary came out but due to the recent controversy surrounding Rand Paul's support for Mitt Romney we have decided to release this clip.

Some will say Tarpley is spot on, others will say he is exposing himself as a Marxist shill. You decide...

We are very interested in your take on this video as well as the whole Rand Paul Ron Paul fiasco, please comment below!

The views expressed in this video are Tarpley's own and are not representative of as a whole. In fact, we have even had internal arguments on Tarpley's points and have decided to just release the clip and let people make their own decisions.


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