Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bilderberg 1966 Data Dump Exposes U.S. Senator & Union Heads (VIDEO)


Editor's Note: We have obtained hundreds of documents from the 1966 meeting. This is a Wikileaks-sized data dump and we will be writing several more articles over the next few days to cover the myriad of different issues at hand.

Leaked documents from the 1966 Bilderberg Group conference exclusively obtained by Infowars betray how even as far back as five decades ago U.S. Senators were being indoctrinated with the belief that "nationalism is dangerous" by Bilderberg elitists, in addition to top union heads scheming behind their members' backs with titans of capitalism and industry.

Previously leaked documents from meetings have illustrated how the Bilderberg Group, contrary to the media-generated myth that the confab represents a harmless talking shop, sets the consensus for policy decisions sometimes decades in advance.


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