Sunday, June 10, 2012

6/10/2012 -- 'HAARP ring' / Circle Sweep forecast -- Intellicast cuts feed (VIDEO)


Even though intellicast went through the trouble of LOWERING the RADAR display returns so that we do not see HAARP rings anymore.. (they literally dumbed down the feed to make everything show less reflectivity -- thus eliminating what we were able to see on their system!)

however.. tonight.. one fell through the cracks.. and they cut the feed to deal with it.. happened twice now... once out of NE.. and now at 345am one out of FL.. both times they cut the WHOLE feed !!!!

The state of Nebraska -- A few miles west of Omaha directly -- Red Cloud Nebraska -- and Thedford to Purdum Nebraska .. Sioux Falls South Dakota as well... reaching east to Lacrosse Wisconsin.

Be alert for the possibility of damaging winds, hail, and tornadoes to hit the center of each ring shown within 48 hours from this point (3am CDT 6/10/2012) .. possibly up to 72 hours for the whole state area effected (nebraska to wisconsin).


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