Thursday, November 3, 2011

14 New Ways That The Government Is Watching You


...Every Breath You Take, Every Move You Make...

#Government #Watching #arrests #ID Homelandsecurity #DHS #TSA #Facebook #witter #nationalsecurity #streetlights #cameras #loudspeakers #recorders #personal #conversations #hotels #television #messages #FBI #Internettalkradio #VIPR #TSAVIPR #busstations #highways #Police #iPhones #facescanners #sensors #precrimes #children #polls #surveys #information #suspiciousactivity #payingwithcash #cash #cellphones #videos #publictransportation #buses #subways #trains

The following are 14 new ways that the government is watching you….

#1 You will be arrested if you don't haveID.

#2 Facebook and Twitter is a threat to national security.

#3 New high-tech street lights are cameras, loudspeakers and recorders of personal conversations.

#4 More than a million hotel television sets broadcasting messages from Homeland Security.

#5 The FBI is recording Internet talk radio programs.

#6 TSA VIPR teams are at bus stations and on interstate highways.

#7 A sophisticated new camera system can detect lies. Police iPhones are face nscanners.

#8 Cameras and sensors tell Homeland Security of “pre-crimes”.

#9 “Pre-crime” technology is even being used on our children.

#10 Children are being programmed to accept they will be watched and monitored constantly.

#11 The U.S. government is also using “polls” and “surveys” for information on all of us.

#12 The FBI is instructing store owners to report forms of “suspicious activity” including *paying with cash *missing a hand or fingers *”strange odors”, etc.

#13 Police are pulling data out of cell phones for no reason whatsoever.

#14 It has become illegal to watch or record police in public in many states.

and my own...

#15 All public transpoirtation is being installed with live cameras to watch bus and subway riders and to use facial recognition software by Homeland Security.

#16 Government police can listen to your private conversations through your cell phone, even if it's turned off.

#17 Facebook, Twitter and other social networks are beoing used by Homeland Security to collect personal information on all Americans.



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