Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and General Petraeus joke about attacking Libya (VIDEO)


General David Petraeus greeted Secretary of Defense Robert Gates at Kabul Airport Monday the two shared a joke about bombing Libya.

“You gonna launch some attacks on Libya or something?” Petraeus asked.

“Yeah, exactly,” Gates replied.

This video is from CBS News, broadcast March 7, 2011.



ryanshaunkelly said...

4 Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Posts

General Petraeus and Secretary Gates
Nightwatch requires crew up to 112

the world knows what you are
collateral murder is so funny

another day another dollar

Chimp said...

It's interesting how THEY hide the truth under names like COLLATERAL DAMAGE (assassinated innocent men women, children and baby civilians) or FRIENDLY FIRE (Oops, I shot my buddy!).