Sunday, October 10, 2010

China UFO - Shenlong Space Plane Advances China’s Military Space Potential


China’s “Hermes” Space Plane: A December 16 photo shows a model of the Shenlong and a new model of the Chinese “Hermes” space plane, which is very to a wind tunnel test model the author found at the 1996 Zhuhai Airshow. Source: Chinese Internet

While both unmanned and manned space planes could serve a range of scientific and commercial missions, it is also clear that the PLA envisions such vehicles to perform military missions. Chinese military literature has long suggested the PLA seeks to dominate outer space and its successful January 11, 2007 interception and destruction of a satellite demonstrated the PLA now has an initial space combat capability not currently possessed by the United States.

WRH's Commentary:

Now, this gets interesting. The real videos of the China UFO (not the obvious fakes with disks and lights) clearly show an ultra-high atmospheric vehicle in operation, with at least a portion of the flight above the atmosphere. Whether what was seen in the Chinese sky was the Shenlong, Hermez, or the "601" H-2, the message is clear. Whether weaponized or not, China's space program has jumped way beyond that of the United States.

So why the UFO cover story?

Simple. America's self-image is in large part linked to the Apollo Moon program and America's achievements in space during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. But the shuttle fleet is about to be retired after suffering a 40% loss rate, and the replacement shuttle, along with the return to the Moon, have been cut from NASA's budget by the Obama administration. Indeed NASA is but a thin shadow of its former self, like NOAA mostly used for propaganda value to support the push for a global carbon tax. After the last shuttle flies, Americans will no longer be able to fly into space; our crews will have to hitch rides on other nations' rockets.

So now as the USA loses its space-faring capability comes a dramatic demonstration that China has advanced into some amazing new technologies. The USA failed to keep up because once again short-sighted government policy squandered the technology lead created by the Apollo program in the 1960s.

This is a major embarrassment for the US government, especially just before an election, especially for the President and the Congress that gutted NASA to shower money all over Wall Street and buy F-35s for Israel.

Now, in studying the video I think that what was over the skies of China was not specifically the Shenlong. The Shenlong is a non-staged vehicle and in the below video what appears to be a staging event is seen at 30 seconds.


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