Friday, April 27, 2012

I'm Not Afreaid Of Big Sis, Because I Haven't Done Anything Illegal!


I wonder if Janet Napoolitano is a descendant of Benito Mussolini

By Chimp

I don't care if they listen to my phone calls as I haven't done anything wrong.

I don't care if they read my e-mails as I haven't done anything wrong.

I don't care if they video me in the streets as I haven't done anything wrong.

I don't care if they restrict my constitutional rights as I haven't done anything wrong.

I don't care if they ask Google for my Internet activity as I haven't done anything wrong.

I don't care if they put people in jail indefinitely without charges or trial as I haven't done anything wrong.

I don't care if they torture prisoners as I haven't done anything wrong.

I don't care if they don't allow people to protest as I haven't done anything wrong.

Why are you arresting me, I haven't done anything wrong!


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