Monday, December 19, 2011

US Senators Discussing Secret Torture Provisions For Home Grown Terrorists - "We don't want them to know..." How We Will Troture Them (VIDEO)


WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE???? This is video of a debate about the amendment that was proposed that would have exempted Americans to being subjected to indefinite detention or the secret torture provisions that this debate is about.

This debate was an effort to ENSURE that Americans WOULD be included in this Act. It's also an argument to keep certain provisions of S-1876 CLASSIFIED, including and especially the SECRET TORTURE PROVISIONS.

You will hear these Senators debating to ensure that Americans would be subject to this Act and these provisions. This video and the words of these traitors should make it clear that this IS targeted toward Americans who believe in the Constitution, it's restraints on government and who resist government corruption. As you will hear Lieberman say "Our biggest concern is "radical Americans." We MUST fight this, it's ILLEGITIMATE, usurped "authority" and therefore should NOT be recognized.


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