Friday, September 3, 2010

Vets Get Ecstasy to Treat Their PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)


A pair of psychiatric experts think they’ve got the answer to the soaring number of troops coming back from war with PTSD: have them undergo intensive psychotherapy — while they’re rolling on ecstasy.



jadedj said...

Are they planning to keep them on it permanently? Because here are a few of the after effects (coming down):

Muscle aches (lower back, neck & joint pain)
General fatigue
Difficulty in concentrating
Short-lived anxiety and irritability
Acne/skin rash
Frequent headaches
Frequent stomach cramps

Chimp said...

Sounds like all the things the VA is treating these veterans for. So ecstacy just makes them forget they have a problem, for a while. Will they then give them methadone maintenance to get off the ecstacy? And then, they will have a methadone dependency but that's a legal government drug so it's OK?