Monday, June 25, 2012

Army Looks to Strike Foes with Lightning Weapon


Was this laser already tested on September 11, 2001? Nobody really saw airplanes hit the WTC buildingds or the Pentagon. Were the films showing the airplnes striking the WTC towers forgeries provided to the American news stations by the government?

Today’s military lasers can blind spy satellites or burn enemy vehicles, but tomorrow’s could guide lightning bolts to strike and destroy battlefield targets.

A U.S. Army lab is testing how lasers can create an energized plasma channel in the air — an invisible pathway for electricity to follow.

The laser-guided lightning weapon could precisely hit targets such as enemy tanks or unexploded roadside bombs, because such targets represent better conductors for electricity than the ground.


Dr Judy Wood Pt 1, 2, 3, 4 ... - DEW & 9/11 - March 16 2010 (VIDEO)

The data told us what destroyed the twin towers. The data told us that directed-energy weapons must exist. We were not aware that the US military had directed-energy weapons. After we concluded that some sort of energy weapon was used, we looked for evidence that such weapons exist and found it. - Dr. Judy Wood


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