Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bush Lied And Over 100 Canadians Died


By Chimpplanet

Today, George W. Bush will give a speech defending his eight years in the White House to 1,500 Canadian elite businessmen who will pay $400 each to listen to his lies.

No Canadians died in Iraq as Canada was smart enough not to send their boys to fight a lie. However, over 100 Canadians have died in Afghanistan, thanks to Bush.

These 100 Canadians will not be able to listen to his lies and their families won’t be able to read about his lies as the Canadian press will not be allowed in the room while Bush Blabbers.

Not only does Canada allow a potential criminal to enter their country as Canada is also bound by anti-torture laws but they even pay over $600,000 to listen to the “torturer-in-chief” defend his crimes. And then, the entire event is censored from all the rest of the Canadian public.


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