Santorum Calls Obama The N-Word? TYT Supreme Court (VIDEO)


Santorum Calls Obama a “Government Nigger” (Best Video)


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Freak Show pictures by Freaking News (PHOTOS)



Out fetchin' grub for dinner!


CLICK HERE FOR MORE Freak Show pictures by Freaking News


Mae Brussell - Attica & JFK Assassinaion - (9-16-71) (VIDEO)


One of Mae's earliest broadcasts,she discusses Attica and the JFK assassination.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Iraqi Woman Beaten To Death In California Note Left "Go Back To Your Country You Terrorist" (VIDEO)


The US Government and Main Stream Corporate Media have been brainwashing Americans for over 10 years, since 9/11, that all Muslims and Arabs are terrorists, so should anyone wonder of outcomes like this?




A state grand jury is hearing evidence against Zimmerman and the Justice department is looking possible hate crime or civil liberties violations.

But since Zimmerman wasn't treated as a suspect the night of the shooting, much of the evidence that could prove his intent may have been lost forever. All that's left is his word, the testimony of witnesses and his 911 calls.

A large portion of which seems to focus on black men he thought didn't belong in his neighborhood. Trayvon Martin did belong but is dead anyway - 27 March 2012.


Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins & Syrian Girl -Infowars Nightly News- Monday (3-26-12) (VIDEO)


#Corzine #MFGlobal #MSM #Fastandfurious #Acosta #Mexico #FalseFlag #clones #Harvard #Illuminati #Martin #Elite #racism #blacks #cancer #vaccines #Blacks #globalists #NWO #NewWorldOrder #Genocide #BillGates #healthcare #DHS #rawmilk #CIA #Internet #Hungergames #Syria #USA #carbontax #globalwarming


Monday, March 26, 2012

C2CAM - 2012.03.25 - Odd Disappearances (Coast To Coast AM) (VIDEO)


George Knapp was joined by David Paulides, a former lawman turned investigative journalist, for a discussion on a series of weird and odd disappearances in U.S. national parks and forests that no one to this day can explain.

"Only the top 15 people in the Parks Service know what we are talking about," Paulides said about the widespread mysterious vanishings that have occurred at the national parks and forests in the United States which number over 350.

Acknowledging that animal attacks and accidents do occur in the forest, he contended that these disappearances leave no clues to suggest such prosaic explanations. Over the course of the evening, he detailed instances where people disappeared seemingly in the blink of an eye, never to be seen again, and where bone fragments of victims were found, as if they'd been eaten, yet their clothes are carefully removed.

One bizarre trend amongst the disappearances, which Paulides uncovered, is that the victims appear to travel a vast distance or into a location which should be physically impossible to reach.

To that end, he detailed the case of a two-year-old boy named Keith Parkins, who vanished near Umatilla National Forest. The child would eventually be found after nineteen hours and having traveled an astounding 12 miles. The journey, Paulides said, would require the toddler to venture over two mountain ranges, as well as fences, creeks, and rivers. The case, he revealed, is just one of many where children disappear and are later found "several hundred percent" outside of the grid system carefully designed by search and rescue teams.

Additionally, Paulides noted that there are some rare cases where, after tracking dogs have led rescuers to a large river, search teams will explore the other side and "miles away, they find the kid."


9/11 South Tower Demolition - Molten Northeast Corner Raw Amatuer Version With Audio (VIDEO)


You can see the demolition explosion clearly in this video. The tower was blown up!!!




3/25/2012 -- 7.2 magnitude earthquake -- Chile / Andes Mountains (VIDEO)


More Change For You (What They Feed You 113) (VIDEO)


Inside the NSA's Largest Secret Domestic Spy Center (VIDEO)

"See? I have a nice smile. I wouldn't lie to you."

NSA chief General Keith Alexander, Courtesy NSA

NSA Chief Denies Domestic Spying But Whistleblowers Say Otherwise



US Congress Mandates You Use Killer Chinese CFL Lightbulbs ONLY By 2014 (VIDEO)


All promotions on this talk about how much energy costs are saved, none mention the cost of treating the people that will get sick and die from this policy.

In 2008, the European Union approved regulations progressively phasing out incandescent bulbs starting in 2009 and finishing at the end of 2012.

Australia, Canada, and the United States have also announced plans that would constitute an effective ban on most current incandescent bulbs.

Venezuela and Cuba have launched massive incandescent light bulbs replacement programs in order to save energy.

Cuba replaced all the 11 million light bulbs used on the island.

Also, Venezuela signed an agreement with Vietnam, one of the largest producers of CFLs in the world, to establish a factory to supply the future demand and hand-outs of government light bulbs.

The United States Department of Energy reports that sales of CFLs have dropped between 2007 and 2008, and estimated only 11% of suitable domestic light sockets use CFLs.(FROM WIKIPEDIA)


Mae Brussell -The King Alfred Plan- (4-30-78) (VIDEO)


King Alfred Plan, National Security Council, "Vaporize" Blacks. Arlie Foundation, CIA, FBI, Population Control.

Mae Brussell doesn't think The King Alfred Plan is fictional...

The King Alfred Plan was a fictional CIA-led scheme supporting an international effort to eliminate people of African descent. Specifically it defined how to deal with the threat of a black uprising in the United States by cordoning off black people into concentration camps in the event of a major racial incident.

The Plan first appeared in John A. Williams' 1967 novel, The Man Who Cried I Am, a fictionalized account of the life and death of Richard Wright. In the afterword to later editions, Williams compares the King Alfred Plan to intelligence programs devised by J. Edgar Hoover in the 1960s to monitor the movements of black militants.[1] It also bears similarities to rumors in the early 1950s surrounding the McCarran Act, an anti-Communist law, in which political subversives were to be rounded up and placed in concentrations camps during a national emergency.

When his novel was first published, Williams photocopied portions of the book detailing the King Alfred Plan and left copies in subway car seats around Manhattan.[2] As a result, word of the King Alfred Plan spread throughout the black community and the truth of its existence was often assumed to be unchallenged. Performer and musician, Gil Scott Heron created the song "King Alfred Plan", included on his (1972) album Free Will, that takes the Plan at face value.


The Hour of Our Time - The Legacy of William Cooper (VIDEO)


William Cooper was a former naval officer, decorated veteran, short wave radio broadcaster and world renowned lecturer and author, he was shot and killed November 5th 2001 under suspicious circumstances. This is his story.

Tells the fascinating life story of Milton William Cooper who was labeled by former US president Bill Clinton as "the most dangerous man in America" and was consequently murdered because of his ongoing expose of US government involvement in the events of 11. September 2001.

Cooper was reared in an air force family and spent his childhood and young adult life traveling the world on military assignments. He served honorably in Vietnam, spent time running a small university, opened an art gallery, married, had children, and eventually penned "Behold a Pale Horse" which became an all-time underground bestseller, exposing everything from secret societies to government contacts with aliens. (He later changed his mind about the alien thing as explained in the documentary)


Conspiracy vs Reality - Wake Up And Smell The New World Order (VIDEO)



2012 Election RIGGED - This is going Viral (VIDEO)


Ben Swann - Ron Paul Supports got evidence of Election fraud - Missouri and Georgia (VIDEO)

RT on Vote Fraud Against Ron Paul (VIDEO)


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"If you're homophobic, you're probably gay" (MUSICALVIEO)


Probably Gay, the Homophobia Song - Katie Goodman's Broad Comedy (MUSICAL VIDEO)


Facebook Tracks You On The Internet, Even After Logging Out (VIDEOS)


Facebook Is a CIA & NSA Information Gathering Tool (VIDEO)


3/20/2012 -- Obama's daughter Malia in OAXACA MEXICO for spring break = Earthquake epicenter ! (VIDEO)


3/20/2012 -- Mexico Earthquake RAW video -- Large 7.9 Magnitude -- Oaxaca Mexico (VIDEO)


New Jason Russell Video -- UP-CLOSE Naked Meltdown -- Kony 2012 (VIDEO)


Looks like ABCNNBBCBSFAUX tried to raise on a busted flush trying to polish this turd. KONY 2012 has cratered and all the media's horses and all the media's men cannot put this latest war-monger hoax back together again. So, what I predict will now happen is that some patsy will come forward to confess that KONY 2012 was a hoax committed entirely by themselves without any help from any governments ("No, really, I did this all by myself. Honest!") and ABCNNBBCBSFAUX will claim the rapid collapse of the fraud "proves" there are no such things as government conspiracies.





Response From Ugandan PM Amama Mbabazi About The Kony 2012 Scam 'Invisible Children' Viral Video (VIDEO)


USA Biological Warfare, Genetic Testing, AIDS Experiments, Bacteria On Plants (VIDEO)


Mae Brussell -Biological Warfare at Fort Detrick- (7-14-86) (VIDEO)

Risks of Herbicides, Pesticides, Bacteria Contamination, Genetic Roulette. VERY IMPORTANT TAPE. HOW RICHARD NIXON BROUGHT THE WAR HOME IN 1970. Conversion of Chemical, Biological Warfare at FT. DETRICK to what could become creation of AIDS for GENOCIDE. LITTON INDUSTRIES, CIA, GREEK COUP AND FASCISM takes over laboratories while SPIRO AGNEW, CIA, PLAN COUP FOR USA.


3/16/2012 -- NASA to launch FIVE rockets from VIRGINIA on Sunday (ATREX) VIDEO


Wait.. multiple launches from strange locations...with the recent NASA story of possible impacting object in 2013 ... This sounds like that asteroid impact movie!! where they launch the multiple space shuttles to shoot down an incoming asteroid.


The Greatest Truth Never Told (VIDEO)


At the end of video, click on WATCH THE ENTIRE PLAYLIST HERE button on the video


The Men In Black Make Their First Move Against The Chimp


While walking towards a secret meeting with some local Chinese spies who had a secret formula for him in exchange for a large quantity of Euros, the man in black made the first threatening move. As The Chimp crossed the wide boulevard, a large black vehicle seemed to appear from nowhere and came barreling down towards the hairy ape. Machine guns appeared from beneath the headlights and started a blazing! The Chimp grabbed his bullet-proof backpack and placed it in front of him deflecting the high caliber rounds which ricocheted noisily from his spider-woven pack. At the same instant,The Chimp stared at the driver of the mobile F-150 shiny new black weapon. The enemy stared him down with a poker face. He was white, in his 30s with a tanned complexion and wearing a baseball cap. There wasn't a smirk or a laugh or shock on his face; just determination. The entire encounter between the chimp and the enemy asset and the black missile on wheels was being secretly recorded by the video cam built-in to The Chimp's sunglasses. This information was already being monitored by The Chimp's secret headquarters inside a retirement home a few blocks away. The software was already doing a face recognition search to learn the identity of the attacking villain. Soon, The Chimp would know if the assassin was CIA or NSA or DHS or FBI or NCIS or TSA or Secret Service or KGB or Mossad. As the black armored vehicle almost made contact with the walking Chimp, The ape threw himself forward and rolled on the hard pavement escaping the possible head-on, bone-crunching hit. The villain sped away, running thorough several red lights in order to disappear down local city streets.

In reality, I was going to get some lunch at a local Chinese restaurant, when this new black F-150 turned into me while I was legally crossing the street. The driver veered away from me at the last second and sped down the street. Maybe he thought he had the right of way and wanted to prove it? Who knows.


With The KONY 2012 Psyop Set African Invasion Begins By USA Africom (VIDEO)


Why Angelina Jolie Needs To Go To Prison! (VIDEO)

Arrest Angelina Jolie For War Crimes: Kony 2012 (VIDEO)


Mae Brussell and Elmer Davis On CIA "Plumber" E. Howard Hunt And Victim Daniel Ellsberg (VIDEO)


A year before the Watergate break-in, E. Howard Hunt, who had worked for the CIA for twenty-one years, proposed a "bag-job"—a surreptitious entry—into the office of Dr. Lewis Fielding, a Beverly Hills psychiatrist who had refused to cooperate with FBI agents investigating one of his patients, Daniel Ellsberg, leaker of the Pentagon Papers.

It was the function of the White House "plumbers" to plug such leaks. The burglars, led by G. Gordon Liddy, scattered pills around the office to make it look like a junkie had been responsible. The police assured Dr. Fielding that the break-in was made in search of drugs, even though he found Ellsberg's records removed from their folder.

An innocent black man, Elmer Davis, was arrested, convicted, and sent to prison, while Liddy remained silent. Mae Brussell corresponded with Davis, and after he finished serving Liddy's time behind bars, he ended up living with Mae. It was a romance made in Conspiracy Heaven.


WTC7 - New Unseen Footage - Explosions..! (VIDEO)


All the explosons took place on different floors at the same time, just before the building (that wasn'r hit by a plane) was "pulled".

Click here to see also: Shaped Charges and the World Trade Center Collapses On 9/11 (PHOTOS)
