Saturday, March 31, 2012

Walmart Houston Texas cop filmed threatening to arrest men for being afraid of Taser (VIDEO)




  1. Ah yes...Texass where facism is alive and well. You gotta love a redneck, dumb and fatass cop who doesn't know jack shit about the constitution. He pissed me off just listening to his power arrogant voice.

  2. The extra hours the police put in on 2nd jobs, seem to be taking a toll on them. It's not the 1st time we've seen policemen working security way over reacting. My feeling is the stress of being a police officer in Houston needs to be balanced with some time to recuperate each day. I think it's high time to Stop all armed public servants from reaching a breaking point over something as minor as being filmed, by the way any retail store or other public venue I'm in I never think twice about filming,why should I have to do a check to make sure a uniformed officer doesn't happen to get in the picture. NO 2nd jobs, take vacations when due etc.. you're armed you need to be in control, which this fellow did not seem to be.
