Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hutaree - MSNBC Admits Group was Co-Opted


Yep, this is another "Elohim City" setup. The Feds infiltrated this group, and set them up for arrests to create publicity to demonize all dissent against the government.


RNC Asks Member to Return $2,000 Reimbursed for Visit to Bondage Club


Click to enlarge

The Republican National Committee is asking one of its members to return nearly $2,000 that the member was reimbursed for a night out at a lesbian-themed bondage club.


WRH's Commentary:

"Praise Jesus; we are off the hook!!!!!"" -- Pope Benny


Sheesh; the RNC is starting to sound like the Vatican!


The net is closing around pope Benedict XVI


Now that it has been revealed that the pope failed to act against the sexual abuse by clerics when he could have, he has become part of the problem.

"As a priest, it's like seeing my home and family disintegrate before my eyes."

We are not dealing with a few sick individuals inside a benign organization. The molestation of children is systemic within all organized religion. The problem isn't the child molesters within organized religion. The problem is organized religion itself.
