Come to Florida And See The Alligators and Pythons and Pythons and...


Burmese pythons, left, and an African rock python, center, removed from the Florida Everglades (AP)

African Python Threat Growing in Florida

It's been about two months since Florida issued a virtual open season on giant invasive Burmese pythons gobbling up rabbits, birds and even small alligators throughout the Everglades.

Now there's another nonnative stealthy stalker that could soon be taking up residence in the region — Africa's largest snake, the rock python.

Three of these enormous constrictors that can grow to 20 feet and weigh 200 pounds have been found in the last few months in western Miami-Dade County, raising concerns that they could establish a breeding population, just like their Burmese cousins.

In South Florida's Everglades, where nonnative species of plants and animals are rampant, "it's business as usual" to find one invasive snake of any kind, said Scott Hardin, exotic species coordinator for the state Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

"The thing that's a little concerning to us is the fact that we've had three sightings (of rock pythons) since the end of May, two in August," Hardin said. "We have to control this before things get out of hand."

The number of Burmese pythons in South Florida and throughout Everglades National Park has exploded in the past decade to potentially thousands, though wildlife officials aren't sure exactly how many are slithering around the region.


Sarah Palin To Release her Twits and Rants In "Rogue" Memoir Book


This Enquirer article is probably more factual than the memoirs she will publish in November

Sarah Palin, last year's Republican vice-presidential candidate who became a figure of global fascination, is to release her memoir just four months after her book deal was announced.

Publisher HarperCollins said Palin's memoir, titled "Going Rogue: An American Life", would be published on Nov. 17 after originally being scheduled for release in spring 2010.

She has not disclosed how much she would be paid by the publisher for her memoir.

During the electoral campaign she was criticised for being inexperienced and for describing herself as a "hockey mom", joking that the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull was lipstick.

The former beauty queen was ridiculed for saying her foreign policy experience was bolstered by Alaska's proximity to Russia across the Bering Strait. Her family also came under scrutiny when her 18-year-old unwed daughter Bristol had a baby.

Palin abruptly resigned as Alaska's governor in July, citing a variety of reasons for quitting - the burden of fighting nearly two dozen ethic charges which she had dismissed as "frivolous", her desire to avoid being perceived as a powerless "lame-duck" governor, and a "higher calling", among others.


The “higher calling” was the money she needs to make fast (while she’s still infamous) in order to pay for $500,000 in debt.

Hope someone does a fact check on the crap she writes in her memoir.

Many say that Sarah seems to them like George W. Bush in a skirt. Now I know where Bush's speech writers found a part-time gig.

At least this Alaska hockey puck mom gets to shop in New York’s Fifth Avenue for herself instead of letting the Republican Party buy her clothes.


Honduras suspends civil liberties amid calls for 'rebellion' following US coup


Honduras' ousted president Manuel Zelaya gestures during a news conference at the Brazilian embassy. Photograph: Edgard Garrido/Reuters

Interim leaders empower police to break up 'unauthorized' meetings as ousted president Manuel Zelaya urges supporters to march

Honduras's interim leaders suspended key civil liberties last night in response to "calls for insurrection" by ousted president Manuel Zelaya, empowering police and soldiers to break up "unauthorized" public meetings, arrest people without warrants and restrict the news media.

The announcement came just hours after Zelaya called on supporters to stage mass marches today to mark the three-month anniversary of the 28 June coup that ousted him.

Zelaya described the marches as "the final offensive" against the interim government.

Zelaya, who surprised the world when he sneaked back into the country last Monday and holed up in the Brazilian embassy, is demanding he be reinstated to office, and has said that the government of interim president Roberto Micheletti "has to fall".


Key leaders of Honduras military coup trained in U.S.


See Also: Solidarity with the Honduran people's struggle for democracy


Roberto Micheletti, the coup president of Honduras, was trained in the American School of Assassins


What is the School of Assassins in Ft. Benning, Georgia?


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bin Laden Beer




Where's Palin? Big bucks for speech in Hong Kong


“You gotta have it up here, you betcha! You try making over $100,000 per hour by just talking smart like me. Now, I’m on my way to Fifth Avenue to buy my own fancy clothes!”

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin emerged from a two-month absence from public view with a private talk, heavy on foreign policy, to a group of investors in Hong Kong with no media allowed.

Her 90-minute speech Wednesday at an investment conference touched on issues from financial markets to health care, Afghanistan and U.S-China relations.

"The assertion that the United States is ignoring areas of disagreement with China is flat wrong," said Rep. Howard Berman, D-Calif., chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

The administration regularly discusses a range of issues with Chinese officials, Berman said.

Palin was paid an undisclosed amount, said to be in the low six figures, for the 90-minute speech.

She has said one of the reasons she resigned was to pay legal bills that have topped $500,000.

"This speech had very little to do with advancing her political career and more to do with advancing her financial career," said former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer.

Palin operates from behind a veil. Her spokeswoman won't even say what state she's in.

The Washington Post reported that Palin spent a month in California working on her book but has since left.

Spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton declined to comment.


China Reacts (negatively) to Sarah Palin


Sarah Palin in Hong Kong

Sarah Palin’s first brush with China has not made her many friends.

“Palin Gives Speech in Hong Kong, Called Boring, Members of the Audience Left Early” was how Ming Pao, a popular Hong Kong newspaper, put it in a headline today.

A commenter in a Chinese Web forum wrote of Palin’s speech: “This is such a joke. Since when does China need the U.S. to point the way to the future?”

Palin went to Hong Kong, which is the closest she has come to mainland China, to provide what she called “a view right from Main Street” to an investors’ conference Wednesday, and though she asked that it stay closed to the media, excerpts have crept out.

“We simply cannot turn a blind eye to Chinese policies and actions that could undermine international peace and security,” she said, according to a Wall Street Journal blog.

“Here, China has some one thousand missiles aimed at Taiwan and no serious observer though believes that it poses a serious threat to Beijing.”

She also made statements that are likely to linger in the Chinese consciousness for a while, including:

“The more politically open and just China is, the more Chinese citizens of every ethnic group will be able to settle disputes in court rather than on the streets. The more open it is, the less we’ll be concerned about its military buildup and its intentions.”

And: “In seeking Asia’s continued peace and prosperity, we should seek, as we did in Europe, an Asia whole and free. Free from domination by any one power…”

Republicans have traditionally played better in China than Democrats because the latter are more likely to make human-rights demands.

But with Obama playing well in China these days, I have to wonder if the current iterations of American politics is altering Chinese stereotypes.

Chinese papers, after all, seemed to take a skeptical line on Palin’s visit: “Palin Delivers Speech in Hong Kong, Says U.S. Will Help China Find the Future” as the Oriental Post put it.

(Incidentally, I don’t see that line in excerpts of the speech, but such is the result of barring the press and forcing it to rely on leaks.)


Munich's Oktoberfest Opens


Women in traditional Bavarian dress enjoy a couple of the roughly 6.9 million liters (1.8 million gallons) of beer expected to be served at this year's festival.



Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sarah Palin pitch leaves Hong Kong investors unimpressed


Alaska Governor Quitter and defeated US vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin failed to enthuse investors attending the CLSA Asia Pacific Markets Forum - a lavish annual beano where over a 1,000 people come to hear the views of the foremost political and business minds on earth.

Palin’s first ever visit to East Asia began with a monologue that invoked the spirit of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and sounded “unmistakably” like a pitch for the 2012 presidency.

Several members of the audience described the speech as “long, humorless and George W Bush-like”.

It was a rare foreign outing for Palin, who committed a series of foreign policy gaffes during last year’s campaign.

She claimed to be familiar with Russia, thanks to Alaska’s proximity to the country, and had only visited Kuwait and Germany before - on both occasions to meet US troops stationed there.

Several audience members reportedly walked out 30 minutes before the end, citing “more important things to do” or describing the talk as “too partisan and too much like a speech at the Republican convention”.

The speech carefully attacked America’s worsening fiscal position and directly condemned President Obama’s healthcare plan.

Although the CLSA event was strictly off-limits to media, one attendee remarked that the speech felt like it was carefully crafted for a global television audience.


Rumor has it that the CISA had a choice of speakers between Sarah Palin and Paris Hilton. By the time they put in their bid, the CIAI won and got Paris Hilton. The CIAI is the CIA Interrogators holding their convention in Honolulu. I may have started this rumor.


FBI False-Flag Goes Bust in NYC


“We are here to protect you, America. All we say is true. We found all 19 9/11 hijackers in 24 hours, didn’t we? We even found their pristine passports in ground zero.”

The FBI becomes frantic.

Their false-flag operation has been blown after they ran all of this BIG HYPE.

They have to come up with something and THEY ARE FURIOUS WITH COMMISSIONER KELLY AND THE NYPD...


Rohrabacher to Iraqis: Be More Grateful!


“You ungrateful bastards! We murder your families, we destroy your country and you can’t say ‘thank you, America’ ?”

Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) seemed mostly interested in berating the Iraqis for their lack of gratitude

Then Rohrabacher opened his mouth.

"I have never heard one word of gratitude from the Iraqi people about the 4,300 Americans who lost their lives," he exclaimed.

"We went to Iraq to try and free your people and now we're being blamed for sectarian violence," he said.

"Don't blame us because that type of bloodlust exists in your society."


Webmaster's Commentary:

Unflipping believable, in light of the facts:

1. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq: the US knew that, and it was just a pack-of-lies ploy to get the war started.

2. Iraqis enjoyed one of the highest standards of living in the Middle East before the invasion and occupation.

3. Iraqis had one of the highest standards of education before the invasion and occupation.

4. The US completely destroyed Iraqi infrastructure in terms of water, medical care and energy, which will take decades to rebuild.

5. The US destroyed countless cultural artifacts, which are a part of what gives a people and a country its sense of history.

6. The US created death and destruction through the use of depleted uranium weapons, causing cancer and massive birth defects in Iraq's kids.

7. The ethnic strife between Shiite and Sunni Muslims was cynically manipulated by the US as a means to "divide and conquer"; this hadn't been a part of the Iraqi culture before the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

8. There are reports by various international groups that over a million Iraqis (men, women and children) have died because of the invasion. Some estimates run to two million dead.

9. Over two million have also left Iraq to camps in surrounding countries.

And it is for these consequences of the invasion and occupation of Iraq that Rohrabacher thinks the Iraqi people should be more grateful?!?!?
