Monday, September 21, 2009

Would you pay this much for dinner with Palin?


"No, it's not me. I can't stand pig with lipstick or moose!"

Not long ago, Hattie reported that anyone with sufficient cash could head to eBay to purchase a dinner date with Sarah Palin.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, you have now missed your chance. The opportunity has been snapped up for a mere $63,500. And that doesn't even include picking up the tab.

The bidder still has to undergo a background check (presumably for liberal skeletons).

They must also pass the Sarah Palin suitability test.

Comment Central believes sample questions will run along the following lines: Can you fix a snowmobile? Umpire a hockey game? Advise me how to crack Iowa?

No word yet on where the dinner will take place (again it's Mrs Palin's call).

But first-hand experience tells me that you have to go a long way in Wasilla before you find a restaurant without the word 'moose' in the name.


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