California prepares to stop paying bills


The state of California has run out of money.

(Wanna call us "Economic Girlie Men" again, Arnold?

Think that will make the problems go away?

We were right.

You were wrong.

Deal with it. - WRH)


Monday, January 26, 2009

Is the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) continuing to act as broadcasting arm of the Israeli government ?


Only days after sabotaging a national disaster appeal for Gaza, the BBC just published this "news" report :

Israeli PM in war crimes pledge

Any Israeli soldiers accused of war crimes in the Gaza Strip will be given state protection from prosecution overseas, the country's PM has said.

Ehud Olmert said troops should know Israel would keep them safe after they acted to protect their country.

The above statement would have come straight from the Israeli government .. and there is no attempt to question or balance the statement. What does "Israeli State Protection" mean if someone is charged in a European country ? Does it mean the Israeli army will mount an invasion and snatch operation ? Or are Israelis globally protected from prosecution world-wide by some secret "agreement" ?

Or is this an ultimate statement that Israeli government orders are the top law of the globe which all have to follow ?


Republicans Want More Welfare For The Rich In Obama’s Stimulus – Less Help For The People


By Chimpplanet

Republicans have taken issue with the large chunk of funding in the stimulus package — some $300 billion all told — that will go to shore up the budgets of states.

That figure includes billions in state aid to education and such controversial pieces as millions in spending for family-planning initiatives.

It all goes back to politics and taking care of the large corporations. The Republicans don’t want Obama to be successful by pleasing middle class America. They want to continue spending the taxpayers’ dollars to give to banks, Wall Street, war profiteers and Israel.

Our basic American institutions have suffered tremendously under eight years of George Bush with cuts in education and the US infrastructure so they can continue in their wars that make large profits for oil companies, war machinery companies and the Bush family in general. Our population has no jobs, no medical care, low education and many are homeless so the Republicans want to give more free money to banks so they can pay bonuses to their sales people and CEOs.

Congress should concentrate on rebuilding America by creating jobs, by not allowing companies to operate in the US if their headquarters are not in the US.

You know how it’s claimed that when a poor person goes on welfare they stay on it forever? Well, the same is true for corporate welfare. Once the banks, Wall Street and bankrupt corporations get that free money, they will continue to expect this handout forever.

If we could read their minds, these Republicans would say, “Why give this money to the states since they will only waste it on employee salaries, education, roads, medical care and feeding of the poor.

We can better use this money in trying to find WMDs in Iraq and in trying to find Osama bin Laden and keeping Guantanamo open.

Also in helping the poor Israelis defend themselves from those highly armed Palestinians and to keep the Israeli nukes in good shape and to keep their lobby in Washington strong.

We also want the rich to continue their lavish lifestyles by giving them large tax breaks so they can dine and shop as they are accustomed.”



Approval Won for New Homeland Security Headquarters


The federal government has gained approval to build a new headquarters for the Department of Homeland Security in the nation's capital


(When I read this headline, I thought maybe this would be the good way of using Guantanamo. Too bad. They could even wear those orange coveralls, which I'm sure there's a large supply of.)


Sign on the Back of a Septic Tank Truck:


'Caution - This Truck is full of Political Promises'


The BBC Takes Sides In A Human Disaster


By Chimpplanet

The death and devastation in Gaza included Israeli slaughter of over 1,200 Palestinians, mostly innocent civilians and over a third were children.

This is a humanitarian crisis like Darfur.

Any civic-minded organization, which I assume BBC is, is obligated to help humanitarian disasters.

This is a not a political issue and does not involve taking sides.

It's about helping thousands of wounded people and millions displaced. It's helping "Katrina"-type victims but on a much larger scale.

By BBC not participating, it proves the power of Israel is not just over George Bush, the US Congress and America but also over the UK.


(Comment by What Really Happened:

You know, this is where Israeli arrogance kicks in. They are in a bad position, but their pride will not let them back down. They are going to fight this PR war harder and harder and harder in the hope they can simply browbeat the world into seeing things their way and all that will really happen is that Israel's true subversion of western nations will become more visible.

"I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it." Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3rd, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." --
US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.)




In History, There Always Will Be a “Hitler”


By Chimpplanet

The United States just went through a “Hitler” of sorts for the past eight years. Bush was a dictator (that’s what “Decider” really meant) and he quietly and subtly tortured hundreds in Abu Ghraib and in Guantanamo and probably killed a total of millions in Iraq, Afghanistan and indirectly in Palestine and Lebanon.

Here, was a “Hitler” but much more subtle, although much of Hitler’s horrors were discovered after he was gone. Maybe, we will discovered many more hidden skeletons now that the Decider is gone.

Israel’s Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, is another “Hitler” but in a smaller scale. He has “only” killed thousands, but in a very cruel fashion, like Adolf. He has committed ethnic cleansing like that in Germany with the Jews and Jehovah Witnesses and the Polish people.

It’s so interesting that countries that claim to be the leaders in Democracy can so easily revert to total cruelty.

Even, now, there is a large group in the US that is claiming that George Bush was a hero and maybe a saint – he spoke with God, after all. Or so, he claimed.


Israel admits using white phosphorous in attacks on Gaza


After weeks of denying that it used white phosphorus in the heavily populated Gaza Strip, Israel finally admitted yesterday that the weapon was deployed in its offensive.

(Israel: Innocent civilians have not been killed in Gaza - NOT! Children have not been killed in Gaza - NOT! White Phosphorous has not been used in Gaza - NOT! Israel did not attack USS Liberty on purpose - NOT!)


Report: Ex-Gitmo detainee joins al-Qaida in Yemen


A Saudi man released from Guantanamo after spending nearly six years inside the U.S. prison camp is now the No. 2 of Yemen's al-Qaida branch, according to a purported Internet statement from the terror network.


And Saddam Hussein hid his nookular bombs underneath his bed every night! Really!!!!!!

Barack Obama has just announced shutting down Guantanamo.

There are people who do not want those prisoners released because they are a severe political embarrassment to the United States.


Now, that is not to say that these prisoners are not dangerous, if not when kidnapped, at least now after 6 years of torture.

But this story is an obvious plant to sell the idea that regardless of how wrong it was to lock these prisoners up that we have no choice but to hold them for the rest of their lives (or until they get VERY depressed).)


The FLAWED Pew Global Poll of Nations That Love Bush


By Chimpplanet

The Newsweek Article states:
The Pew Global Poll last month found that majorities in 20 of the 24 nations surveyed have little or no confidence in him, with his negative ratings topping 80 percent in major powers like France and Germany.

The three nations where Pew found a majority with confidence in Bush included India, Tanzania and Nigeria.

I don't understand why they call it a "Global Poll" if Pew Polled only 24 out of the 192 countries in the world or less than 13%.

But the most startling results (and I'm just a dumb layman) is that two African countries out of the 24 worldwide countries liked Bush. The problem is that there are 53 countries in Africa and how many were polled? Two? Tanzania and Nigeria only? The two that loved Bush?

And on top of all that, the third country that favored Bush was India. How did India get into this "Global" Poll?

Did they say, "Let's see, let's pick 21 European countries that we know hate Bush and let's pick 2 African countries and India that we know love Bush, and WE HAVE A SCIENTIFIC POLL."?

Any time you take a "global" poll and you pick the countries to be polled, the poll is rigged, as the results are the results you expected before you even did the poll.

The other question I have, is, "Did they poll a good sampling of the people or just the government?" as these two groups usually have completely opposing responses.

A statement PEW makes on their web site is:

"Nearly half of Americans (46%) view the current government in Iran as a "great danger" to stability in the Middle East and to world peace, up from 26% in 2003. "

The reason this figure grew from 26% to 46% in three years is that George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice and all the Conservative talking heads and the corporate media have been beating the drums of war against a "noo-koo-lar" Iran.

Here's a good explanation of the results:

What is a good poll and what is a bad poll? Some people take a narrow view. Looking at a poll result in the paper or hearing one over the air, a good poll is a poll that pleases them. They like it even better if a large majority agrees with them. A bad poll is one whose findings they don't like and they prefer not to know or think about. We can do better!

That's why I don't trust polls. The results will be the one that are expected by the current government and corporations in control.


Helen Thomas - The Only Real Journalist At The White House Press Room


Traditionally, for about 40 years, Thomas sat in the front row and asked the first question during White House press conferences, but according to Thomas in a 2006 Daily Show interview, this ended because she no longer represents a wire service.
Thomas has since been moved to the back row during press conferences, although she still sits in the front row during press briefings. She is called upon at briefings on a daily basis but no longer ends Presidential news conferences saying "Thank you, Mr. President".

When asked why she is now seated in the back row, she said, "Because they don't like me... I ask too many questions."

On March 21, 2006, Thomas was called upon directly by President Bush for the first time in three years. Thomas asked Bush about the war in Iraq:

“ I'd like to ask you, Mr. President, your decision to invade Iraq has caused the deaths of thousands of Americans and Iraqis, wounds of Americans and Iraqis for a lifetime. Every reason given, publicly at least, has turned out not to be true. My question is: Why did you really want to go to war? From the moment you stepped into the White House, from your Cabinet—your Cabinet officers, intelligence people, and so forth—what was your real reason? You have said it wasn't oil—quest for oil, it hasn't been Israel, or anything else. What was it?

Bush responded by discussing the overall "war on terror", and stated as a reason for the invasion, that Saddam Hussein chose to deny inspectors and not to disclose.

Thomas was criticized by conservative commentators for her exchange with Bush AND FOR ASKING REAL JOURNALISTIC QUESTIONS all other press sheep would never ask the Emperor George Bush.

After a speech at a Society of Professional Journalists banquet, she told an autograph-seeker who asked why she was sad, "I'm covering the worst president in American history." The autograph seeker was a sports writer for the Daily Breeze and her comments were published.

After she was not called upon during a press conference for the first time in over four decades, she wrote to the president to apologize. She also told 'The Hill' "The day Dick Cheney is going to run for president, I'll kill myself. All we need is another liar... I think he'd like to run, but it would be a sad day for the country if he does."

At a student journalism conference hosted by the Center for American Progress on June 2, 2006, Thomas opined that many journalists did not give accurate, critical reports on the Iraq War. She said she hopes for the return of hard reporting, and that the student audience should be "out on the street" doing hard reporting instead of sitting in the conference room.

At the July 18, 2006 White House press briefing, Thomas remarked, "The United States is not that helpless. It could have stopped the bombardment of Lebanon. We have that much control with the Israelis... we have gone for collective punishment against all of Lebanon and Palestine."

Press Secretary Tony Snow responded, "Thank you for the Hezbollah view."

According to Washington Post television critic Tom Shales, questions like the one above have sounded more like "tirades" and "anti-Israeli rhetoric". Greg Mitchell of Editor & Publisher described Shales' attack as "disturbing" and said Shales "offers no evidence".

On July 12, 2007, Thomas accused President Bush of starting the Iraq War as his "war of choice" and insisted that he alone could end it anytime he wanted to by handing it over to the United Nations.

Thomas has also been critical of the United States Congress. At a question and answer session held at Drake University on September 27, 2007, Thomas said that the "gutless wonder Congress doesn't have the courage to do what it needs to do" regarding the war.

In a press conference on November 30, 2007, Thomas questioned White House Press Secretary Dana Perino as to why Americans should depend on General David Petraeus in determining when to re-deploy U.S troops from Iraq. Perino began to answer when Thomas interjected with "You mean how many more people we kill?" Perino immediately took offense, responding, "Helen, I find it really unfortunate that you use your front row position, bestowed upon you by your colleagues, to make such statements. This is a—- it is an honor and a privilege to be in the briefing room, and to suggest that we, the United States, are killing innocent people is just absurd and very offensive."

A December 4, 2007, CNN report by Jeanne Moos showed video of a seating chart of reporters covering a press conference given by President Bush concerning reports of Iran not having pursued nuclear weapons since 2003. The spot for Thomas was crossed out with an X and she was never called upon.

Thomas developed a stomach infection in May 2008, and stopped working for several months. She was able to return to the White House on November 12, 2008.

Since the Kennedy administration, Helen Thomas has been covering the White House and she was often the first to ask a question at presidential press conferences.

On January 12, 2009 President Bush held his final press conference and Helen Thomas was not called upon to ask a question. This may be seen as a testament to the rocky relationship the administration and Helen Thomas have had for the past eight years, as well as a final snub to the reporter by the all mighty Bush.

(From Wikipedia)

Read Tomas' January 19 article:

Let's hope Obama doesn't blow it


Racist Bush?


George Bush Will Be Moving Into A Whites Only Neighborhood!

As George Bush prepares for retirement, he and Laura are moving to the upscale Dallas neighborhood of Preston Hollow, an exclusive area, which in past times was kept even more exclusive by means of a covenant, a sort of a promissory agreement:

In the 1920s and 1930s, covenants that restricted the sale or occupation of real property on the basis of race, ethnicity, or religion were common in the United States, particularly in the South where the primary intent was to keep "white" neighborhoods "white".

Such a covenant might prohibit a buyer of property from reselling, leasing or transferring the property "to any colored person or persons or any person or persons of Ethiopean [sic] or Semitic race or the any descendant [of such a race]." These restrictions were invalidated by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Hansberry v. Lee in 1940. Title insurance policies now often contain exclusions preventing coverage of such restrictions.

From CBS11 in Dallas, we learn that "the covenant was enacted in 1956" and was not legally changed until 2001. "Eight years earlier, in 1948, the U.S. Supreme Court made it illegal to enforce such covenants. The court said although private groups could legally make agreements to exclude people of certain races from using property, the states could not enforce them".

Part of the original document reads:

Said property shall be used and occupied by white persons except those shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race or nationality in the employ of a tenant.

Of course, none of this implies that George Bush is a racist, or anything of that sort. Such restrictions are a throwback to the past, a sad reminder of an earlier era. But the irony of George Bush moving back to Texas to a formerly all-white area just as Barack Obama readies to move into the White House is quite rich indeed.

(I wonder is any African-Americans or Asians or Arabs have been allowed to buy homes in this neighborhood since 2001?)



"I think being called a racist because of Katrina was a low point. I remember people saying George Bush is a racist because of the response," he said, referring to criticism of the slow federal response to help thousands of New Orleans flood victims, most of them African-Americans.


York, PA

This week (09-Jul-2004), Bush attended a campaign rally in York, PA - it makes the THIRTIETH campaign trip he has made to the state. Could it be that Bush is courting the NeoNazi/KKK crowd? They are, after all, among his most aggressive supporters. And, PA, home state of Tom Ridge, is a hotbed of such groups - hosting more extremist conventions and meetings in recent years than ANY OTHER STATE. York, PA, in particular, has been associated with KKK activity. The mayor was tried in 2002 for the vicious murder of a black woman - then acquitted by an all-white jury.

Bush's visit to York comes just a few days after once again refusing to attend the annual NAACP convention - guess he didn't want to offend his "supporters" in PA?

(Could his incursions into mostly Moslem Iraq and Afghanistan be considered racist? Could his allowing Israel to slaughter Palestinians and Lebanese be considered racist?)


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Israeli FM confronted by Press Club journalists


What is really insulting is that Israel really thinks the rest of the world are so dumb that we can be talked into believing whatever Israel decides we should believe.


Preparing for the big day . . .


(If only it were that easy to remove 8 years of Bush slime)


Top 18 Secret Mercenary Armies of the CIA


The United States have a well known history of providing military support to countries in need. But from time to time, the US Government has provided secret forces. While many are successful, there have also been a number of failures. This is a list of the 18 top secret armies of the CIA.


1. Ukrainian Partisans From 1945 to 1952

2. Chinese Brigade in Burma Early 1950s

3. Guatemalan Rebel Army 1954

4. Sumatran Rebels 1958

5. Khamba Horsemen Mid 1960s

6. Bay of Pigs Invasion Force 1961

7. L’armee Clandestine 1962

8. Nung Mercenaries 1960s

9. Peruvian Regiment Mid 1960s

10. Congo Mercenary Force 1964

11. The Cambodian Coup 1970

12. Kurd Rebels Early 1970s

13. Angola Mercenary Force 1975

14. Afghan Mujaheedin 1970 to 1987

15. Salvadoran Death Squads 1964 to 1984

16. Nicaraguan Contras 1981 to 1988

17. Haitian Coup Mid 1980s to 2004

18. Venezuelan Coup Attempt 2002 to Present


US Secret Service Sigh Of Relief After 8 Years of The Bushes and The Cheneys



By Chimpplanet

“I have to congratulate all of you for a fantastic job during these last eight years,” said the Secret Service Chief.

“You guys and girls had to put up with a drunken Dubya, his witch of a wife and the two little tramps they reared.”

“Then, you had to put up with the foul-mouthed self-appointed VP, always telling us to ‘F*ck Off’ and saving him politically for shooting his lawyer friend while having an argument and being roaring drunk.”

“W was a closet drunk, except the whole White House was the closet. W would hit the bed shortly after his binge while Dick was an obvious drunk by going around swearing at everyone he saw. We couldn’t save him the day he decided to go to the Senate and tell a Senator to ‘F*ck Off’ .“

“George, when tipsy, often made us laugh when we would try to put him to bed and he would look for bin Laden under the bed and in the closets. At those times, he would even claim that we were all an Al-Qaeda cell.”

“We would always have to write excuses for Dubya to read to the press whenever he f*cked up. Like the time he almost killed himself fighting with that pretzel. The problem is, we also had to teach him how to pronounce the words he was reading.”

“Dick always took care of his own problems by just outright lying. You could show him a video to prove he was lying and he would say, ‘I didn’t say that.’.”

“I’m also reminded of the beginning, when we told George that Manhattan was being destroyed and he continued reading ‘My Pet Goat’ to the kids.”

“The time you guys had to spend down in the bunkers with drunken Dick while 9/11 was happening, was no fun either. I cringed when he imitated George Bush and was able to get the Air Force to shoot down one of the hijacked planes over PA.”

“It was a rough eight years, but now, looking back, it was pretty funny.”

“Now we have to get ready for our new charges. I hope Obama doesn’t have too many skeletons in his closet.”


Israeli Spokesman "Hamas killed Palestinian children to make us look bad"


Israel's bullshit piles up higher and higher and higher.

This is why it is impossible to come to any agreements with them.

"If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ?

They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" -- David Ben Gurion (The First Prime Minister of Israel)








Goodbye, Bush


We'll fondly remember you for Katrina, a war in Iraq, a war in Afghanistan, bringing back torture, the shredding of the Constitution, the economic ruin and allowing Israelis to slaughter Palestinians and many other wonderful things you did in eight years.


You Proclaim “Sanctity of life”, George Bush?


By Chimpplanet

Sanctity of life as long as they are not the over one million dead Iraqis you are responsible for due to an invasion based on lies?

Sanctity of life as long as they are not 2,000 dead innocent Lebanese which you allowed Israel to slaughter?

Sanctity of life as long as they are not over 1,000 innocent Palestinians which you allowed Israel to slaughter in Gaza?

Sanctity of life as long as they are not African Americans you allowed to die in New Orleans due to your inefficiency during the Katrina boondoggle?

Sanctity of life as long as they are not blacks being slaughtered in Darfur?

Your god, George Bush, was supposed to be a peaceful and loving god. And you claim that this god speaks through you and orders you to allow the death of millions of innocents in Gaza, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur and other parts of the world?

Even on your last days in office you are the hypocrite you’ve been all your life.

Thanks to the real god that you are finally gone from our lives.

Sanctity of Life?


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pentagon clears itself of propaganda violations


Just like Bush said, "We do not torture." --- Just like Israel said, "No civilian casualties in Gaza." --- Just like Nixon said, "I am not a crook." --- Just like Madoff said, "I didn't steel the $50 billion." --- Just like Cheney said, "I didn't have a shotgun." --- Just like Condi said, "She's not my girl friend, we just own the house together." --- Just like the tortured Guantanamo detainee said, "I killed Kennedy."

More on Pentagon here.


The Race Is On...


(Clik on cartoon to enlarge)