(CHICK.un.hawk) -- n. a person who now advocates war but who once took special measures to avoid military service. (Example: Dick Cheney)
Now that the world's most infamous chickenhawk has run out of time to start any more wars on foreign soil, maybe the United States of America can start to mend our bloodied and tarnished reputation.
Upon reaching the end of this stolen, constitution-stomping, fact-twisting, lying, women-and-children killing, "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority" reign of terror we can start to mend some fences they have bulldozed.
Strap a blunderbuss to his fat ass and ask the "enemy" to wear quail feathers...I'm sure ol' Skeletor will do a bang-up job (pun intended)!