Friday, July 10, 2020

Michigan passes bill to “voluntarily” microchip humans with RFID transponders

(Natural News) Are you ready for the Mark of the Beast? If you live in Michigan, then your House of Representatives has already voted in favor of allowing employers to microchip their workers, fulfilling the dystopian nightmare outlined in the book of Revelation.
While the Microchip Protection Act reportedly contains voluntary provisions for chipping people, it is not hard to imagine a time in the future when this could quickly turn mandatory, especially now that the world has been brainwashed into pandemic hysteria.
Sponsored by Representative Bronna Kahle, a Republican, the bill was passed under the guise of protecting the “privacy” of workers throughout the state, allowing for expanded growth of the job market. But in reality, the bill’s provisions actually turn people into human cattle to be monitored 24/7 by the government.
“With the way technology has increased over the years and as it continues to grow, it’s important Michigan job providers balance the interests of the company with their employees’ expectations of privacy,” the bill states.
“Microchipping has been brought up in many conversations as companies across the country are exploring cost-effective ways to increase workplace efficiency. While these miniature devices are on the rise, so are the calls of workers to have their privacy protected.”
Contained in these microchips are RFID (radio-frequency identification) transponders, which have been determined to cause cancer. But since they represent a “cutting-edge” technology couched in “progress,” Michiganders are apparently primed and ready to have them injected into their bodies when that time comes.
If all of this makes you upset, as it should, you are not alone. Listen to The Health Ranger Report below for tips on how to stay sane in this totally insane world:



Kahle wants RFID chips to become “standard business practice statewide” in Michigan

Similar to what food “scientists” wanted to do by injecting food products with RFID tags to supposedly help better track the food supply chain, tech “experts” are busy devising ways to better track humans by marking them with permanent computer chips.
Even though these, too, have the potential to be hacked, implantable RFID chips are supposedly the wave of the future, and this is all that matters to people like Kahle who want to see the technology become the norm.
“Despite this type of technology not quite making its way into our state yet, I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes a standard business practice statewide within the next few years,” Kahle is quoted as saying. “We should absolutely take every step possible to get ahead of these devices.”
Kahle did not, however, address the fact that RFID transponders are linked to cancer, nor did she bring up the fact that upwards of 90 percent of Americans are opposed to the idea.
Back in May, Italian Parliament member Sara Cunial, as you may recall, called out Bill Gates and other globalists for trying to microchip the entire world with “digital identification.” She denounced Gates as a “vaccine criminal” and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court to be tried for his many crimes against humanity.
Cunial also exposed the Gates agenda throughout India and Africa, which involves testing dangerous vaccines on innocent people and pushing microchips and other Orwellian technologies on them under the guise of “humanitarian aid.”
“At first it’s voluntary,” noted one Great Game India commenter about how quickly Kahle’s microchip bill could switch from voluntary to mandatory.
“Then, going through an airport, those chipped go right through. No chip? Get in line and wait a couple of hours to get through. Hopefully you won’t miss your connection flight.” And then it gets worse from there.

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