Saturday, June 27, 2020

Texans Challenge Lockdown With “We Can’t Breathe” Face Mask Protest

Fight for your right to breathe freely by attending the ‘We Can’t Breathe’ demonstration

Texans are organizing a mass protest at the Texas Capitol Sunday, standing up to the medical tyranny that’s come in the form of lockdowns and compulsory face mask orders.

As Gov. Greg Abbott resumes the same lockdown procedures that killed hundreds of businesses, citizens are rejecting the Orwellian measures and the overhyped coronavirus hysteria.

Organizers at WeCantBreathe.News are calling attention to small businesses being slowly suffocated by the incremental totalitarianism, and people literally being suffocated by face masks.

"We the People of the United States of America hereby order all elected government servants to abide by the Bill of Rights, Constitution, and common sense,” a petition at the site states.

"The planetary lockdown that has more than half the population of the planet on house arrest is nothing less than martial law dictated and directed by the authoritarian World Health Organization – itself controlled by the communist superstate of China.”

The “Protest and Open Air Church Service” is set for Sunday, June 28th in Austin, Texas, starting at 12 noon at the Texas Capitol South Entrance on 11th street.

“Any and all freedom lovers are welcome and MASK WEARING IS DISCOURAGED! Alex Jones and Infowars crew will be attending.”

Demonstrators will hold a prayer session on the Capitol steps and hear from business owners who’ve been adversely affected by lockdown and mask orders.

The group also plans to march to the Governor’s Mansion and let Gov. Abbott know they’re fed up with recent mask orders.

As more states ratchet up the tyranny and make masks mandatory, it’s crucial people stand up for their right to breathe air freely.

Go to WeCantBreathe.News for the latest on the upcoming rally this weekend.

Freedom lovers in Texas have launched http://WeCantBreathe.News to ignite a nationwide movement against the medical tyranny of mandatory public face mask rules.


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