Monday, January 6, 2020

Famed medical examiner reveals why he suspects foul play in Jeffrey Epstein death as photos of cell released


The first known photographs of Jeffrey Epstein's cell in the hours shortly after his death were released Sunday in a "60 Minutes" report, during which famed pathologist Dr. Michael Baden explained why he believes Epstein was murdered.
The pictures showed Epstein's disheveled jail cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, with his mattress on the floor and orange bed sheets strewn across the floor. Multiple nooses, fashioned from the orange bed sheets, were also photographed, as were Epstein's medications.

Missing from the photographs, according to Baden, is a photo of Epstein in the cell after his death with the evidence of suicide, such as a makeshift noose around his neck.

The evidence, including Epstein's autopsy, have led Baden to conclude Epstein did not die by suicide.
"There's no photograph taken of Mr. Epstein in the cell," Baden said.

"The forensic evidence released so far, including the autopsy, point much more to murder and strangulation than the suicide and suicidal hanging," Baden explained. "I hesitate to make a final opinion until all of the evidence is in."
Baden, who was hired by Epstein's brother to investigate Epstein's death, has previously voiced his opinion that Epstein did not die by suicide, going as far as to cite specific injuries that Epstein sustained in his death that Baden believes proves Epstein was murdered.

"There were fractures of the left, the right thyroid cartilage and the left hyoid bone," Baden said. "I have never seen three fractures like this in a suicidal hanging."

Although Epstein's death on Aug. 10 was officially ruled a suicide, details surrounding Epstein's death have fueled conspiracy theories, including the fact that at least one of the cameras surrounding Epstein's cell malfunctioned the night of his death. The two prison guards who were on watch the night Epstein died have also been charged with federal crimes for falsifying prison records after they fell asleep while on duty.

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