Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Thousands of cops, veterans, supporters pledge to join militia in Virginia to combat unconstitutional laws

Virginia – Monday morning, Law Enforcement Today reported on how Tazewell County, Virginia is crafting a militia to defend the Constitution in the state.  And within hours, we were flooded with thousands of emails from people across the state – police officers, veterans, and patriotic Americans – who said they are joining.

And it’s a movement that’s gaining traction across the state.

Wrote one man:

“I am Vietnam vet, ex-police, retired and am behind your ideas 100% , anything I can do I would like to help.

I live in Franklin County, which voted down being a sanctuary city being the council is Democratic, a moonshine county giving up their guns is dumb.

The South gave up their flag, their statues and now they want their guns, sounds like Hitler’s Germany.”

Wrote another:

“There had already been rumblings locally about a militia being formed last month.  We started carefully and quietly assembling patriotic Americans who are prepared to defend freedom at all costs.

In the past day those numbers have swelled.  We have a very strong military presence here – more veterans and both active and retired LE than you can count. 
As of this evening, we’re talking about thousands of people that have expressed an interest in being a part of this movement.”

Here’s the deal.  Last week, we reported on how lawmakers over in Virginia were threatening to use the National Guard if members of local law enforcement refused to enforce laws passed in the state that they felt violated the second amendment.

That’s what sparked things in Tazewell County, which said it isn’t going down without a fight.
On top of calling themselves a second amendment sanctuary county, they’re also crafting a militia as well. The Virginia county has taken the movement that has swept across the state and added an element that is sure to trigger pro gun-grabbing politicians in the state.



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