Saturday, November 9, 2019

‘Innocent people being hunted down’: ABC’s Epstein whistleblower ‘still inside’ network shares ‘anger & confusion’

The whistleblower who leaked ABC's hot-mic Epstein tape to Project Veritas has condemned the network for its handling of both the leak and the original story, after it got a producer accused of the leak fired from CBS.
Under the pseudonym “Ignotus” (Latin for “unknown”), the leaker clarified their motives in releasing the tape of ABC reporter Amy Robach, slamming the network’s decision to spike her exposé on now-deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein three years ago.
Also on MSM execs part of ‘network of people’ that covered for Epstein – Project Veritas founder to RT 
“Bearing no motives other than to have this information public,” the still-anonymous figure “did not and do not seek any personal gain from this information,” said the statement, posted Friday on the Project Veritas website. “Anger, confusion and sadness,” not “petty political quarrels,” motivated the leak, with the conservative muckraker chosen not for its political bent but because “any other media outlet would have probably shelved this as well.”
Slamming ABC for spiraling “into a mission of seek and destroy,” the whistleblower lambasted the network for forgetting the purpose of journalism. “We all hold the First Amendment at the foundation of this company, yet forget its history, its purpose, and its reasoning for even coming into existence to begin with.”
Innocent people that have absolutely nothing to do with this are being hunted down as if we are all a sport.

The statement was posted shortly after former Fox News reporter Megyn Kelly teased an interview with Ashley Bianco, the producer fired from CBS after ABC called the rival network to warn she was in possession of the clip. Bianco fervently denied she was the leaker, bursting into tears at the “humiliation” of being run out of the network where she had worked for just four days, without even the “professional courtesy” of allowing her to mount a defense. Claiming ignorance of who might have shared the clip, she insisted “everyone” at ABC had seen and been scandalized by it.
Also on ABC’s Epstein-gate: Fired CBS producer tells Megyn Kelly she did NOT leak Robach rant 
The whistleblower indirectly addressed Bianco’s firing, addressing part of the post “to those wrongfully accused.” Pinning the blame for her expulsion directly on ABC, they reassured the producer that “neither you, nor I, have done anything wrong.”
The statement also expressed empathy with Robach and praised ABC News employees, warning the network that “the road to redemption favors no soul.”

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