Dr. Robert Epstein on Big Tech Censorship
Dr. Robert Epstein’s testimony before the Senate concerning Google’s search manipulation and its impact on elections.
Sen. Cruz Questions Victims of Censorship on Google’s Bias
Dr. Robert Epstein on Whether Google Can Rig the Presidential Election PoliticKING with Larry KingSep 04 ’15
Could the technology behemoth Google actually rig the upcoming presidential election? Larry discusses with distinguished scholar, scientist and award-winning author Dr. Robert Epstein on PoliticKING. Dr. Epstein expands on the conversation here
The head of Google Search denies my claim that Google can control elections—well, sort of; if you read closely, you’ll find that he denies nothing.
PoliticKING with Larry King September 04 ’15
By Robert Epstein
Google has spoken. Apparently shaken by my recent article in Politico— “How Google Can Rig the 2016 Election” —Google’s head of search, Dr. Amit Singhal, has published a critique—“A Flawed Elections Conspiracy Theory.”I encourage you to read it closely.
I emphasize the word closely. On the surface, Dr. Singhal’s article appears to refute my recent assertions that Google can easily flip close elections by favoring a candidate in its search rankings. If you read closely, however, you will find that Dr. Singhal has denied none of my specific claims. As I discussed recently in my appearance on “PoliticKING” with Larry King, here are the major points I made in my Politico article, not one of which was refuted in Dr. Singhal’s reply, not even in part:
DOCUMENTARY: President Bill Clinton and his corrupt FBI ran the false flag bombing of Oklahoma City… to silence critics and ban the Second Amendment
The “Lungs Of The Earth” Are Literally Being Burned Away As Unprecedented Wildfires Absolutely Ravage Our Planet
Sao Paulo shrouded in darkness as Amazon rainforest continues to burn… Brazil’s president says critics setting fires to make him look bad
Dr. Robert Epstein: Hillary Clinton, whom I have strongly supported for many years, told blatant lies about me today.
Epstein's Cellmate Spooked About Men in Black - Epstein Update Via Edge of Wonder