Friday, July 19, 2019

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department fails to release all officer-worn body camera footage from night of 1 October shooting against court order


It looks like Sherrif Joseph Lombardo has some explaining to do after it has been revealed that many records and video footage pertaining to the 1 October massacre have not been released to the public upon a judge’s orders.

LAS VEGAS — The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department could be held in contempt of court after breaching a judge’s order to release all records from the night of the 1 October shooting which includes 21,000 hours of officer-worn body camera footage as a video posted to the John E Hoover YouTube channel on Tuesday points out.

The video’s narrator makes clear how Judge Richard Scotti of the Eighth Judicial District Court ruled in March of 2018 for the LVMPD to release all records and camera footage pertaining to the 1 October massacre on a rolling basis but the LVMPD has failed to comply with the judge’s orders and has held back thousands of hours of footage.

The LVMPD has released roughly 1,200 clips of officer-worn body camera footage to date. However, many of the clips are fragmented or edited and are only seconds or minutes in duration which raises a major red flag as Taser body cameras come equipped with 12-hour battery life which means that the clips should have been of longer duration in most if not all cases.

Clark County District Judge Stefany Miley has also conveyed her frustration with the LVMPD and their lack of transparency.

"I am very frustrated because I think that gamesmanship is going on here," she said. "It’s now months since the shooting occurred and still the same: delay, delay, delay. If one technique doesn’t work then you switch to another one. That is very concerning for the court."

Moreover, the John E Hoover YouTube channel reveals in the video titled Podcast #10: Contempt of Court, Taser, and the Missing Evidence – Las Vegas Shooting that the LVMPD has purposely withheld body camera footage from ten officers who were in Mandalay Bay room 32-134 and 32-135 on the night of the shooting.

Officers who were inside 32-135/34 whose bodycam footage we do not have:









9.Brosnahan **

10.Mikkelson **

**Appear in room 32-135 but are not mentioned in the FIT report.

It looks like the LVMP has some explaining to do.

You can watch the full report here:



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