Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Army testing ‘Babylon Supergun’ at secret Arizona desert facility?

Former CIA operative claims U.S. Army is testing a massive secret weapon at secretive Yuma Proving Ground facility.

LA PAZ COUNTY, Ariz.  — The Army’s Yuma Proving Ground located in the Sonoran Desert may be conducting secret tests on what appears to be a spinoff of the original Project Babylon, according to a piece published by the Science Channel back in mid-to-late May.

“We have this large circular structure in this God-forsaken remote area with one road leading into it,” one researcher who appeared on the program explained. “… no roads leading beyond.”

Military Historian Mike Pavelec who also appeared in the segment says that the tall structure which appears in satellite imagery looks like a giant sprinkler and is something that the military does not want prying eyes looking at.

The proving ground is the largest military testing facility in the U.S. with over 2000 square miles of testing space which seems like a perfect place to test a massive supergun or advanced thrustless satellite launcher.

Former CIA operative Lisa Morgan feels confident that the massive structure is a weapon developed by Canadian inventor Gerald Bull in 1961 called Big Babylon, as William Park reported for the BBC in 2016.

Bull’s original idea was to develop a way to shoot rockets or satellites into space without using fuel as they make their escape from the earth’s gravitational field. However, it appears Bull’s design may have later become weaponized.


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