Monday, June 10, 2019
LAS VEGAS MASSACRE - Oct 1 eyewitnesses confirm: Five Middle Eastern men dressed in black, single file line, AR-15 assault rifle with shoulder strap
It appears that more may have been going on during the night of the 1 October Las Vegas shooting then authorities would like the general public to know about.
LAS VEGAS — Official FBI documents obtained by Intellihub reveal that several eyewitnesses spotted a group of four or five Middle Eastern men between the ages 20-30 dressed in all black traveling in single file formation heading eastbound on Reno Ave just east of Las Vegas Blvd at around 11:15 pm on the night of the October 1, 2017 massacre in which 58 people were reportedly killed by a crazed lone gunman named Stephen Paddock.
One eyewitness to the clandestine group told federal investigators that he was near the south side of the Excalibur around 11:15 pm when he and others "saw 5 foreign guys heading eastbound on Reno Dr, just west of Vegas Blvd."
In the report, the eyewitness describes how all of the men were wearing "black" clothing and were "walking in a single file line, about 5 feet between each person."
"The 5th and final guy had what appeared to be a black assault rifle and shoulder strap across his chest," he explained.
Coincidentally, another eyewitness report filed with the FBI on October 2, 2017, confirms the men were in fact dressed in black as the other witness stated and were at the same location around the same time.
"… we saw about 4-5 that looked Middle-Eastern… walking in a single file line dressed in all black …," the witnesses said in a statement. "… [the] last person in line had a shoulder strap on AR-15."
Who were these men and what were they doing?
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