Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Following in the footsteps of communist China, CANADA begins harvesting organs from euthanized humans
Twenty years ago, I remember telling a physician friend of mine that China was harvesting organs from political prisoners. The doctor — a wine-drinking liberal academic — scoffed at the idea and claimed that if something like that were going on, he would have heard about it by now. (This is how doctors think. If they don’t discover information first, they discount anyone else bringing it to them.)
Now, twenty years later, an independent tribunal has unanimously concluded that organ harvesting in communist China takes place on "a significant scale."
"Forced organ harvesting has been committed for years throughout China on a significant scale," said chair of the tribunal, Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, as reported by The Epoch Times. "The panel further concluded that adherents of the spiritual practice Falun Gong have been one of the main sources of organ supply. Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline consisting of meditation exercises and moral teachings based on truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, has been brutally persecuted by the Chinese regime for the past two decades." also reports:
Gutmann’s research and writing, in conjunction with authors David Kilgour and David Matas, exposed a million-dollar Chinese industry centered around the killing of political prisoners – mostly Falun Gong members, but some Christians, Uighur Muslims, and others considered enemies of the state – and extracting of livers, kidneys, hearts, and other vital organs to sell to buyers in need.
I’ve been reporting this for years on Natural News and other sites, but of course we are banned by the communist-linked tech giants like Facebook and Twitter for daring to tell the truth about the organ harvesting factories in China.
Now, organ harvesting is being carried out in Canada, too
Following in the footsteps of the communist Chinese, Canada is now pursuing organ harvesting from euthanized patients. As reported by LifeSiteNews:
[T]he Canadian Medical Association (CMA) has issued guidelines for how the harvesting of organs from people who elect to be killed by medical practitioners should work. Despite some hand-wringing about ethics, the June 3 document allows doctors to canvas their vulnerable, suicidal patients for their organs.
Even worse, it is well known that doctors and hospitals, driven by extreme greed and cruelty, often kill patients through the process of harvesting their organs. In other words, the patients aren’t really dead until the organ harvesting begins. As explained via LifeSiteNews:
Alex Schadenberg of Canada’s Euthansia Prevention Coalition believes that accepting organs from euthanasia victims will indeed lead to death by organ donation.
"The acceptance of organ donation after euthanasia leads to the pressure to do euthanasia by organ donation," he told LifeSiteNews.
"The concept that organ donation and euthanasia can be separated is false. The person will be prepared for the organ donation and the euthanasia simultaneously to make the procedure most effective."
It is in the financial interests of the doctors, organ transplant surgeons and medical facilities, in other words, to not really wait until the patient is dead before harvesting their organs. The more "fresh" the organs are, the more successful the chances of transplant surgery involving a recipient. Yes, the euthanasia in Canada is by consent, which makes it different from China’s forced political prisoner executions and organ harvesting operations, but organ harvesting is a slippery slope, and Canada is now on that slope with apparently nothing stopping doctors from being caught up in conflicts of interest that benefit the medical establishment, not individual patients.
Doctors don’t wait for patients to die before harvesting their organs
As published in a article that I authored, a new science study proves that doctors do not wait for patients to die before harvesting their organs:
…you’re still alive, conscious and aware for several minutes after your heart stops beating. Just because the heart stops doesn’t instantly disconnect the activity of the brain.
"This means you are essentially ‘trapped’ inside your dead body with your brain still working," reports Fox News. If you’re an organ donor, that’s the moment in which doctors slice into your body without using anesthesia (since they assume you’re dead) and start rapidly harvesting your organs. You feel every bit of it, but you’re trapped inside your body and can’t move or even scream.
…organ transplants are a huge profit center for many hospitals, and while hospitals and doctors reap enormous profits on these procedures, they pay no money whatsoever to the family of the deceased person whose organs made the entire thing possible in the first place.
Just because a person’s heart stops beating doesn’t mean they’re dead. They can still feel pain and experience the process of organs being ripped from their living body. But the medical establishment says nothing. In fact, to this day, the World Health Organization still has not condemned China for operating its organ harvesting factories.
Imagine that. The WHO pushes vaccines, claiming it cares about "saving lives," but won’t condemn the forced executions and organ harvesting from political prisoners in China.
The push for euthanasia laws is actually an organ supply initiative to fulfill the profits of the transplant industry while mass murdering targeted political opponents
Euthanasia laws are currently being considered in many U.S. states. They’re being pushed by liberals and progressives who are already on the record calling for the mass killing of Christians, conservatives and Trump supporters.
In exactly the same way the communist Chinese government targets political dissidents — Falun Gong members — for arrests, executions and organ harvesting, left-wing authoritarians in America will sooner or later call for the mass execution and organ harvesting of Christians and political dissidents who do not kowtow to the LGBT agenda of child mass murder and taxpayer-funded mutilations (like what has just been made a matter of law in Vermont).
As has been made abundantly obvious by the mass censorship and de-platforming of conservatives, liberals do not see conservatives or Christians as human beings. Thus, killing them and harvesting their organs is not in any way contradictory to the "values" of Leftists who place literally no value on any human life other than their own. Remember: These are people who murder their own babies after they’re born. Do you really think they won’t murder their political enemies?
We’ve already seen this happen in communist China, and it all started with the collapse of Western values, reports Breitbart News:
The "collapse of Western values," a "massive case of denial" in the free world, and "religious bigotry" towards the Falun Gong spiritual movement have allowed China to potentially expand its industrial-scale harvesting of live organs to Uighur Muslims imprisoned in concentration camps, Ethan Gutmann, author of several seminal reports on the topic, told Breitbart News.
In the update to their research in 2016, Gutmann, Kilgour, and Matas revealed that China was conducting between 50,000 and 90,000 more transplant surgeries than the official government estimates of organ donors, even including death row inmates, could account for. Filling the gap between documented organ donations and actual transplants completed were the bodies of prisoners of conscience, the report concluded. Both Falun Gong survivors and doctors who have testified to engaging in live organ harvesting have corroborated the report.
Does any informed person honestly believe that Leftists in America — filled with rage, hatred and the desire for total destruction of their political enemies — won’t resort to mass murder and mass organ harvesting if no one stops them?
America’s Leftists are rapidly shifting toward the twisted, dangerous political philosophies of communism and authoritarianism. All voices of conservatives, Christians and civil liberties are being crushed. Conservatives are even being de-platformed from banks, jobs and universities just because they believe in principles and ethics. Even the ACLU has become a legal front for Satanism, arguing that Satanists have the right to erect statues in front of government buildings across America.
The abortion (infanticide) industry is rapidly accelerating in Leftist-held states, and the rhetoric of Leftists increasingly demands the mass killing of conservatives. It’s not difficult to see where this is headed if something dramatic doesn’t change soon.
America, 2025 (a dystopian nightmare scenario): A Democrat is sworn into office at the White House. She immediately signs a law criminalizing Christianity and calling for the imprisonment of any adult who doesn’t turn their child over to left-wing indoctrination centers that groom children to be pedophiles and transgenders. All children are required to undergo chemical castration and genital mutilation procedures before being molested and repeatedly raped by top Democrat fundraisers who have the "right" connections. Adults who resist are arrested, charged with sedition and forcibly organs harvested while they are still alive, with organs being sold on the black market in order to further enrich the Democrats in power. Bibles are outlawed and considered contraband. All speech is regulated by the GooglePlex. "Thoughtcrimes" become a reality, and Amazon Alexa devices become mandatory in all U.S. households so that the deep state swamp can actively record all your private conversations. All Americans are required to wear LGBT rainbow pride pins in public, or face arrest. All corporations deny jobs to anyone who doesn’t worship child mutilations and transgenderism. Banks cut off accounts for all conservatives, and credit card companies cancel the accounts of anyone tied to any Christian church. Women’s sports collapses in a biological male freak-fest, and Disney launches movies for six-year-olds that promote same-sex orgies for children. Netflix broadcasts "Hail Satan" messages between every episode, and a new national law criminalizes the private possession of all guns while offering a nationwide "gun buyback free vaccine" program that offers the citizens free vaccinations for every pistol or rifle they turn over to the government.
Or maybe we can stop all this insanity before it goes that far. Maybe we can reclaim our humanity, protect the innocent and stop the mass brainwashing, mutilations and mass murder of children in America.
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