Thursday, May 30, 2019

Twenty-four percent of Bilderberg 2019 attendees of U.S. origin, 16 of which are members of the Council on Foreign Relations

Barry Friedberg (FriedbergMilstein), Robert Lenzner (Forbes) and Jim Hoge (Council on Foreign Relations)
Photo credit: Grace Villamil (Financial Times/Flickr)


CFR a major powerhouse when it comes to orchestrating world events.

MONTREUX - It was the persistent efforts of Intellihub founder and editor-in-chief Shepard Ambellas, Infowars founder Alex Jones, and a handful of other brave individuals who managed to gather outside the Bilderberg Group’s Chantilly, Virginia confab in 2012 in a protest which ultimately forced the once ultrasecret group and its members out of the shadows and into the light.

Here is a clip of radio talk show host Alex Jones on the scene in Chantilly talking live on air about how the Drudge Report linked “The Intel Hub” reporting which at the time was unprecedented.

“…a lot of great things are happening and our time is coming because people are counting the costs realizing that the globalists are dangerous,” Jones explained during a live broadcast of The Alex Jones Show. The Drudge Report “brought down the digital Berlin Wall.”
Now in 2019 after the group’s emergence, we find that 24% of this year’s attendees are U.S.-based 16 of which are members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

The New American reports:

Thirty-one are from the United States, including Jared Cohen (CEO of Jigsaw, an affiliate of Google that is dedicated to using its technology to “counter extremism”) and Mary Kay Henry, international president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). There’s Henry Kissinger, the former secretary of state under Presidents Nixon and Ford, and nonagenarian who just turned 96 on Monday. There’s Jared Kushner, senior advisor to President Trump. There’s David Petraeus, the retired Army general who served as director of the CIA under President Obama. There’s Eric Schmidt, former chairman of Google and now serving as a technical advisor to Alphabet, Google’s holding company. There’s Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation.

According to the CFR’s official website:

CFR is a leading foreign policy organization with a robust individual and corporate membership. Individual members include many of the most prominent leaders in international affairs who come together to engage in nonpartisan conversation on the most salient policy and governance issues of the day. The corporate membership program provides a unique forum for business leaders to interact with CFR members and other global influencers, noted thinkers, and experienced practitioners.


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