Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Ecuador will give USA Assange's computers and documents in London


The Attorney General of the State of Ecuador has agreed to register one of the stays of the legation in which the founder of Wikileaks spent almost seven years

The Government of Lenin Moreno has taken another step in his attack against Julian Assange.


The Attorney General of the State of Ecuador has agreed to register one of the stays of the embassy of that country in London, in which the cyber-activist has resided during the last seven years, and to deliver to the US all his documents, mobile phones, computer files , computers, memory units, CDs and any other device, as indicated by an official notification to which EL PAÍS has had access.



Baltasar Garzón, Assange's lawyer, describes the delivery to the US of the defendant's belongings of "absolute violation of Ecuador's asylum institution."


"It is incomprehensible that the country of protection now takes advantage of the privileged position of having received it to remit its belongings to the country that is pursuing it, which will have been intervened without a judicial order, without protection of the rights of the asylee, without respect for the chain of custody. "said Garzón.


"What is aggravated by the illicit recording mechanism that was deployed in the embassy and that has been denounced The systematic violation of Assange's rights is overcoming the limits of the imaginable," he said. The judicial cooperation of the current executive of Ecuador with the United States began months ago. The Ecuadorian justice allowed the North American authorities to take a statement to the diplomatic staff of its embassy in London.



In the framework of this collaboration, Assange's lawyers do not rule out that recordings, audios and documents stolen from the activist and one of his lawyers in a supposed espionage operation have been sent to the US to provide information to the United States about his defense.



Assange recently filed a complaint in the National Court against a Spanish journalist and four computer programmers for alleged extortion when trying to sell for three million euros hundreds of videos and documents of his last years in the embassy.



The UN Special Rapporteur for Privacy also studies this alleged espionage. Aitor Martínez, one of the lawyers of the Australian activist's team, affirms that the initiative of Ecuador is "a manifest and radical violation of the right to defense, since in those documents and electronic devices are all communications with their lawyers and their legal documentation. A privileged material that will allow the US to build and create new charges.



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