Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Punishing Trumpers: Full-page NY Times ad asks CEOs to blacklist anyone working for POTUS
A leftist effort to blacklist people who have held positions in the Trump administration is getting a great deal of attention. According to Bloomberg, an open letter signed by 41 liberal groups was sent to the CEOs of all Fortune 500 companies on Saturday.
The group’s letter and full-page New York Times ad in Sunday’s issue claims that "Children were torn away from their parents and placed in cages."
The letter singles out 30 current and former officials, including John Kelly, former White House chief of staff; former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen; and Trump spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
The move is a widening of the war against the President as it aims to deter those who would otherwise be honored to serve the President and the nation. It also aims to keep the illegal immigration issue boiling on the front burner.
The effort is calling itself "Restore Public Trust." In this day and age most conservatives know that the more noble-sounding the calling card, the more evil is the cause.
The letter to the CEOs states: "Some of these individuals have left the administration in recent months. Regardless of when they leave, they should not be allowed to seek refuge in your boardrooms or corner offices. Allowing them to step off the revolving door and into your welcoming arms should be a nonstarter."
The coalition’s spokesman Karl Frisch said that companies "need to think twice about what that will mean for their brand to be associating with somebody who is responsible for one of the most horrific policies this administration put forward and that speaks volumes."
The letter urges companies to "make it clear that you will not hire for employment, contract for consulting, or seat on your boards" anyone in the family separation policy.
As reported in Bloomberg’s article: Frisch said companies should expect a public outcry if they hire officials who played a role in family separations. He said that happened after CNN announced earlier this year that it had hired former Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur as a political editor. After a public backlash her role was instead deemed political commentator. Isgur is among those targeted in the letter.
Companies "need to think twice about what that will mean for their brand to be associating with somebody who is responsible for one of the most horrific policies this administration put forward and that speaks volumes," Frisch said. "Do they want to be famous for this?"
Kelly and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions are both former administration officials and have been listed by the Worldwide Speakers Group, an agency that arranges paid speaking appearances for a range of well-known people. The immigration and civil rights groups threateningly plans to track who hires the two men to speak.
Among the 41 groups to sign the letter is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which continually targets conservatives. The SPLC has very recently been dealing with allegations of sexual misconduct and racial discrimination, leading to the resignations of several of its top executives.
The complete list of radical groups in this dangerous coalition are …
Restore Public Trust
America’s Voice
National Immigration Law Center
Center for Popular Democracy
Southern Poverty Law Center
American Bridge
Allied Progress
Bridges Faith Initiative
NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
Equity Forward
Faith in Public Life
Jobs with Justice
Main Street Alliance
People’s Action
Workers Defense Project
CASA In Action
California Reinvestment Coalition
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights – CHIRLA
Florida Immigrant Coalition
Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
Make the Road New York
North Carolina Justice Center
Raleigh Immigration
InterReligious Task Force on Central America and Colombia
Ohio Immigrant Alliance
Transformations CDC
South Carolina Appleseed Legal Justice Center
American Gateways
Detained Migrant Solidarity Committee
Fuerza Del Valle
La Union del Pueblo Entero (LUPE)
Mexican American Legislative Caucus
Proyecto Azteca
Rio Grande Valley Equal Voice Network
Texas Civil Rights Project
Workers Defense Project
Youth Rise Texas
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