Wednesday, February 20, 2019

McCain Calls Out Liar McCabe To His FACE; ‘Don’t Believe You’re A Reliable Narrator’

ABC’s "The View" co-host Meghan McCain called out fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to his face on Tuesday and told him he wasn’t a "reliable narrator."

During a segment on the show, McCabe was promoting his new book, which is nothing more than another self-righteous tell-all about his time at the FBI.

The interview heated up when McCain grilled McCabe about being a leaker to The New York Times.

"I don’t believe you’re a reliable narrator. And I’m not convinced this isn’t just some kind of PR campaign to stop yourself from getting indicted. You were fired at the recommendation of the FBI — which, in your book, you cite four times how great of an organization it is, for your lack of candor. I would like you to say right here on national TV that you were not a source for The New York Times. You were never a source for The New York Times or any other publication — considering that is what you were accused of lying about."


McCabe was visibly shaken by the question and denied leaking to the Times, but did not refute that he leaked to other media outlets while working for the bureau.

"Absolutely not," McCabe said. "Not at any time ever. You should understand, Meghan, when I was serving as deputy director, I was one of two people in the FBI that had the authority to disclose information to the media. That is a FBI policy, it’s baked into the way that we run media relations in the organization. So I transacted on issues regarding the media every single day."


McCain pushed harder, citing fired FBI Director James Comey stating that McCabe did not have the authority to leak to the media.

"Then why did James Comey deny the claim that he approved your leaks to the press?" asked McCain.

McCabe claimed that Comey didn’t remember the conversations.

"I don’t know why Jim Comey doesn’t remember the conversations that we had in the same way that I do," McCabe replied. "It is understandable. He was under an enormous amount of stress at the time. He had a lot of other more important things to worry about. I can’t explain why he doesn’t remember them the same way I do."


Federal prosecutors are not only looking into McCabe possibly illegally leaking sensitive information to the media, he is also reportedly being investigated for playing a role in the FBI’s handling of the Russia probe into Trump and whether he intentionally lied to investigators about improperly leaking sensitive information to the media a few weeks before the 2016 presidential election.

McCabe, who previously served as the No. 2 at the bureau, played a big role in the Clinton investigation and the decision to allow the former secretary of state to skirt charges for her illegal actions.

McCabe was fired from the FBI for lying at least four times to investigators about authorizing leaks to the media.

In October 2016, he allowed sensitive information downplaying the severity of the Clinton email scandal to be leaked to The Wall Street Journal.

The DOJ sent a criminal referral for McCabe to prosecutors, who are determining whether he should be charged.

McCabe was fired for his "lack of candor" and lying to investigators four times about leaking the information to the media.




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