Saturday, January 12, 2019

Jake Tapper Turns Kamala Harris Into Stuttering Fool After Exposing Her Shady Past On Live TV (Video)

Kamala Harris went on the friendly confines of CNN to promote her book/her soon to be announced presidential run and she choked when confronted with her shady past.

She is running and her run will end in a spectacular failure when the skeletons in her past are exposed.

She is a #metoo leader and when the women find out what she did with Willy Brown back in Sacramento they will not be happy.

That old news will come out as soon as she announces, don’t worry, but it was another skeleton that Jake Tapper dragged out of her closet on live TV that is even more damaging to her future campaign and position as the leader of the #metoo movement.

Look, her closest aide was a scumbag to women and he got caught and while Kamala is trying to play dumb – there was a settlement of $400,00 paid out and as the head of the department, it begs belief that she didn’t know.

Enter Jake Tapper who actually did his job for a change and held her to account. Kamala tries to squirm and do the DC two-step but it is clear she is vulnerable on this issue and that no one believes her denials.

From The Daily Wire:

CNN’s Jake Tapper pressed Democrat presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) on Wednesday over a recent report that indicated she did not know about a harassment settlement involving one of her top advisors.

Harris, who responded by hinting that her office was too big to notice, did not apologize for her lack of leadership over what happened as she appeared to suggest that she was a victim of the whole ordeal, saying it was a “very painful experience” for her.

“You were a leader of the #MeToo movement, you were very vocal on the Senate Judiciary Committee during Kavanaugh,” Tapper said. “An unfortunate thing happened on your staff, which is one of your top aides had to resign a few weeks ago, Larry Wallace.”

Tapper noted that Wallace helped Harris run the California Department of Justice when she was the Attorney General.

“As somebody who is a leader of the #MeToo movement, how did this happen and you didn’t know about it?” Tapper asked. “And what did you learn about it given that it kind of struck close to home?”

From Fox News: But some expressed skepticism that Harris had no idea of the harassment caused by Wallace. GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel wrote in a tweet that the senator was either “lying or grossly incompetent.”

“No one is buying Kamala Harris’s claim she didn’t know her top aide of 14 yrs was accused of sexual harassment, resulting in a $400K settlement,” she wrote.

According to the report, an intake form from the Equal Employment Rights and Resolution Office, which administers the issues concerning discrimination at the state DOJ, reveals that the department was alerted on Oct. 3, 2016 that Hartley will pursue legal action.

Hartley had also already requested the right to sue from the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, the Bee reported. Her complaint, filed a month earlier, detailed the allegations of sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation – naming Wallace and “those who worked for him” as the culprit.


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