Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Stephen Colbert on Democrats retaking control of the House: 'They can now open investigations into the President'

"Late Show" host Stephen Colbert used his opening monologue Tuesday evening to discuss the midterm elections, including how Democrats reclaimed control of the House of Representatives after eight years out of power.

"That’s the first news of the evening…they can now open investigations into the President and we can finally find out if Donald Trump has ever done anything unethical,” Colbert, 54, stated according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Per the outlet, the late-night host also brought up how Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, won a second term on Tuesday defeating Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke.

"By not being Ted Cruz, Beto is still a winner," Colbert said.

On Tuesday, Democrats reclaimed control of the House of Representatives after eight years out of power, Fox News projects, dealing a major setback to President Trump's legislative agenda -- but Republicans were able to expand their narrow Senate majority and, with it, the ability to confirm crucial judicial nominees.

The split decision on Capitol Hill follows one of the most intense and chaotic midterm campaign seasons in recent memory, in which President Trump barnstormed the country for GOP candidates and powerful Democrats including predecessor Barack Obama did the same for the other side.


1 comment:

  1. Why is "WHITE PRIVILEGED" Colbert, and all those other "WHITE PRIVILEGE" spouting NO-talent Limousine Liberals on any stage? They MAKE MONEY off of demanding that YOU sacrifice for others ... they give up NOTHING and actually MAKE MONEY off their FAKE "social concern"
    Hypocrit Colbert is the POSTER BOY for WHITE PRIVILEGE. LIBs attack White Working People for not groveling but I don't see any of the CO-K Holster LIBs getting off the stage and giving up their MultiMillion salaries to make room for minorities.
    Why are the racist Limousine Liberals filling the space a minority could fill? Talk about "White PRIVILEGE"?! What about all these SMUG SANCTIMONIOUS MULTI-millionaire WHITE "entertainers" who preach that you should sacrifice your livlihood so some minority can succeed? Why are they not practicing what they preach? Why are they filling the space a minority could fill? All the vitriol spewing Trump haters like Colbert,Kimmel, Meyers, Fallon, "HANOI Jane Fonda" ALL the"OH SO WHITE" rich, privileged,and Self-HATING get off the stage and out of our faces. You can spend your lives and fortunes moving to the ghettos and actually walking your talk.
    FAKE people whose whole lives are pretend.
