Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Lindsey Graham To Revoke Kamala And Feistein’s Veto Privileges As Payback For Kavanaugh

Lindsey Graham is a star, of that there is no doubt. He gave the GOP a huge injection of energy (and spine) during the crucial moments of the Kavanaugh debacle. Lindsey came through in the clutch and just as Chuck Grassley continues to refer people to the feds for lying, Lindsey has not forgotten.

Lindsey remembers what happened and moreover, he believes his mentor and good friend John McCain would have been furious over the smear. The issue runs deep for Lindsey and Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein should have thought of that before they did what they did.

It was a disgrace to drag that poor woman through the mud to say nothing of what they did to Kavanaugh – remember Ford wanted to stay hidden from view and was never even told she didn’t have to go to DC for the spectacle.

Lindsey went on Hugh Hewitt’s show today and set his sights on the two Senators from California. There has been a long-standing practice in the Senate to give home state Senators veto power over the circuit courts. One step before the Supreme Court these are the second most powerful judges in the country, as we saw when some blocked Trump’s immigration ban.

In the past, Presidents would give veto power for these appointments to the local Senators to ensure a court that resembles the people. No law, just custom.

But after Kavanaugh Lindsey said that is a thing of the past. If the GOP keeps the Senate as expected Lindsey has plans:

Lindsey Graham: 100%. So Chuck Grassley has done a great job as chairman. If he does move over, to your listeners, what we’re talking about, let’s say two Democratic senators in California, there’s an opening on the 9th Circuit in California, there’s been a practice in the past where senators can basically veto a selection by the White House. It’s been uneven in its application. But from my point of view, after Kavanaugh, we’ll get their input, but they’re not going to have a veto on the Circuit Court.

Hewitt: And will the pace continue as it has been, because 29 is great. I want 40 by the end of the year. And I want 100 by the end of four years.

Graham: Well, to the extent if I’m chairman, we will work diligently to fill vacancies and try to make sure that the next year and a half, by the summer of 2020, it sort of comes to a halt, that we’re productive when it comes to federal judges on the bench.

That’s one of the reasons people go to the polls in presidential elections. The court’s at stake. We all talk about how important the election is for the court. So here’s the thing for the Democrats.

They don’t want to acknowledge that President Trump won. They tried to undercut his ability to pick highly-qualified nominees to the Supreme Court. And we’re going to be full throttle when it comes to judges.



1 comment:

  1. Miss Lindsey the world would be a better place if you and Tom Cotton would stop advertising on GRINDR and stay out of JR's, a well-known gay bar in Washington, DC's primarily-gay Dupont Circle neighborhood.

    It's no coincidence that the major anti-Russia activists on the Armed Services Committee are the immensely blackmailable, Graham, and Cotton. https://www.facebook.com/TheOther98/videos/430826544111932/UzpfSTEwMDAwOTE1MTM4Mjk2MToyMDcyMTM5NDYzMTAxMDgw/?id=100009151382961
