Monday, November 19, 2018

Hollywood actors threaten boycott of Georgia after Kemp victory

Several Hollywood actors have called for a boycott of Georgia’s film industry after Republican Brian Kemp officially won the state’s gubernatorial contest.

The hashtag #boycottgeorgia began to trend after Stacey Abrams, a former Democratic state representative and romance novelist, announced Friday that she would no longerchallenge the Georgia Secretary of State’s election results. While Abrams acknowledged Kemp would be the winner of the election, she refused to call her speech a "concession" because a "concession means to acknowledge an action is right, true, or proper."

Before Kemp was certified as the official victor, actors were already threatening to boycott working in Georgia, a state with a large film industry that’s been dubbed the Hollywood of the South.

The reaction from Hollywood comes after Abrams has continued to argue, without evidence, that Kemp purposely suppressed black voters while he led the Georgia Secretary of State’s office. Abrams mounted several lawsuits over the election results and repeatedly declared she wouldn’t admit defeat until every vote was counted.

Abrams has since responded to the calls for a boycott, saying that while she appreciates Hollywood’s calls for action, she does not want them to hurt people who make a living in the state’s film industry. Instead, the Democratic politician wants them to get involved in a new voting rights organization she is launching called "Fair Fight Georgia."

In a Sunday morning interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Abrams refused to call Kemp a "legitimate" governor and claimed there was "a deliberate and intentional disinvestment and I think destruction of the administration of elections in the state of Georgia."

Abrams said during the interview that she plans on running for office again.



  1. Let us see them boycott guns & violence in movies ......
    NO more guns in any movies. No swords, spears, clubs, or axes.
    These "pious" actors are all about "righteousness" Chinese characters HAVE to be played by Chinese actors , Black characters HAVE to be played by Black actors , SO ---- NO actor shall be allowed to pick up a weapon if they are not NRA members or Military Veterans. Also all weapons MUST be handled in a safe and proper method as approved by NRA and Military training.
    Notice that the most violent movies are ALWAYS the ones with Afleck, Clooney, Damon, DiCaprio, Gyllenhaal, and Pitt in them? They yammer on about conservatives and "their guns" while making the most senselessly violent flicks.
    Coming from an industry that thrives on guns. If a 30 second commercial sells things the best commercials are the thousands of hours of guns in movies. Thanks Hollywood!!
    Are these "courageous" play actors going to refuse to make anymore picture shows with guns, lazer swords, arrows, or any other form of violence? No more smashing or bashing ..... NO VIOLENCE in any of Their work? No more profiting off gratuitous violence?
    It is the MSM pushing the IDEA of consequence free violence that is the cause of the bloodshed.
    MEDIA-ASSAULT-THOUGHTS. There is no action that is not preceded by the thought and idea of the action, and MSM has immersed America in violent anti-social thoughts. and been publicly proud and boastful of their ANTI-heroes. The immersion of a society in the thoughts and ideas of senseless violence unaccompanied by consequences. The flooding of Media venues such as music, movies, video games, TV, with thoughts and ideas designed to induce violent behavior. If purveying ideas through the media does not work ..... why are $BILLIONS spent every year on advertising and political propaganda if spreading "thoughts" does not matter?!?!
