Tuesday, October 30, 2018

WATCH: Voting Machine Doesn’t Let Voter Select Republican Candidate


Over the weekend, the video below went viral after showing a voter being rejected by their voting machine when trying to vote for a Republican.

"Pay attention when you vote make sure you correct any shady things that may occur", Kaya Jones said as she re-tweeted the viral video.

Watch below:


Jones posted the video as a reminder for people to make sure that they double check their vote to ensure that the machine has selected the correct option. Judging by the video that she posted on social media, it appears that some machines, this one in particular, might be glitchy when it comes to the touch screens, so it’s important to double check your vote – regardless of whom you vote for.


It should be known that the voting glitch is likely due to a technical error that can usually be fixed when a machine’s touch screen is recalibrated. That means the screen is realigned and the touch points are fixed to be accurate. This often happens on Smart Boards inside a teacher’s classroom as well. It’s nothing shady, just a technical thing that needs to be done once in a while to ensure the touchpoints are accurate.

The rare recalibration issue was also reported last year in New Jersey where a voter and poll workers kept trying to select a candidate, but the X would appear in a different spot. Usually, a recalibration of the touchscreen will solve the problem, but some voters who don’t pay attention to their selection will not have noticed it.

NJ Herald stated, "It happened at least once Tuesday — a voter touches the box to vote for one candidate and the X appears for another candidate.

But there was no rigged ballot, said Marge McCabe, administrator for the Sussex County Board of Elections. "The machine was out of calibration."

"I did it a couple of times, then called over a poll worker," Nuss said Wednesday. "The worker tried it and got the same result."

He said he was told it appeared the machine needed to be re-calibrated and was taken to vote on a different machine where he completed his ballot without problems.


McCabe said the Sussex County voting machines all have a touch-screen surface, which is matched up to the position of the boxes next to a candidate’s name. In the case of the machine in Wantage, the screen was out of calibration, meaning the machine misread when Nuss placed the stylus.

A technician from the Board of Elections was called to the scene and reset the machine. Once re-calibrated, it was placed back into service.

McCabe said that before any of the voting machines records and stores a ballot, the voter is shown a screen with all their choices and must verify that those choices are correct." The article also stated that there was a team of 10 technicians on duty who were available to check on machines at that particular polling station.

All voters should always double check to verify that their selections are correct and notify a poll station worker of any issues that may exist. If you’re unable to select a candidate when voting, then please notify a poll worker immediately. A machine might need to be recalibrated.


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