Saturday, October 27, 2018

‘MAGA’ Bomber Suspect’s Trump Van Shown on Facebook Without Trump Stickers

Image result for florida bomber van

Moments after police arrested fake bombing suspect Cesar Alteiri Sayoc as the alleged source of a flurry of fake bombs delivered to high-level Democrats, his Trump-wrapped panel van became the most famous political vehicle since the Kennedy limousine in 1963. The perfectly inconspicuous getaway vehicle for a political crime. Sarcasm included.

There are few ways to travel more conspicuously in heavily Democrat Broward County, Florida than by dressing your vehicle like the flagship U.S.S. Donald Trump of the Donald Trump fan club. In fact, one could think of few more effective ways to have a vehicle vandalized, keyed, boosted, burned or bashed than by covering the windows in a technicolor Trumpalooza collage that might have appeared on the walls of John Nash’s hideaway parnoia loft in the Oscar-winning movie, A Beautiful Mind.

But that’s what the mainstream media wants you to believe about alleged fake bomb hoaxer, Cesar Altieri Sayoc, the man apprehended Friday and accused of delivering more than a dozen inert, non-bombs to members of the Democrat upper crust and leftist media organization, CNN.


Moments after his arrest, Sayoc’s social media accounts and personal details were suspended, stricken and taken off the web. His facebook page glitched and froze at exactly 11:24 MDT, even as independent journalists like yours truly scrolled furiously looking for shelf-life clues to gain better insight into the real makeup of the so-called, ‘MAGA Bomber.’ But not before I was able to capture this image (below) of the now infamous white panel van, without the Trump regalia so necessary to acrue the political hit points needed to paint Donald Trump as an inciter of hatred, violence and pain.



Since image download and capture were made impossible by the deletion or suspension of Sayoc’s facebook account, the screenshot still shot of a video clearly shows the same white panel van on August 28, 2016, without the Trump stickers or vehicle wrap made famous by this week’s events.

White. Plain. Mundane.

A much more commonplace and nondescript getaway vehicle, if one were seriously undertaking a criminal plot without intentions of being apprehended. Keep in mind that in July and August of 2016, Cesar Sayoc’s facebook timeline shows him in almost constant attendance of Trump rallies and events, snapping selfies, taking videos and loading down his page with enough red meat "thou protesteth too much," to choke James Woods. And yet, not a single Trump sticker yet visible on the exterior of his trusty white van that witnesses say he parked in parking lots and slept in both at out of town and events and otherwise.



Which means of course, that Cesar must have considered it very good strategy to wait patiently, biding his time before making up that generic white van like a Donald Trump parade float immediately prior to undertaking a D.C. sniper version of a psychological terror campaign, leaving those vehicle wrap window coverings proudly and boldly in place for the entirety of said campaign, even after the alleged hoax bombs had been delivered and his alleged handiwork became the most intensely covered news item in the nation for two weeks straight.

Maybe, possibly, there are people dumb enough to intentionally do that.

Maybe Cesar Altieri Sayoc is just that stupid.

Maybe he’s crazy.

Maybe he’s a patsy.

Or just maybe, Mr. Alleged Hoax Bomber wanted to get caught looking like the world’s most syrupy Trump fan boy, knowing that his Trump-mobile MAGA bomb delivery vehicle would instantly become the most vividly captured image in the political universe just days before the most important midterm election in American history.

After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. Or, in this case, maybe a million votes or more.

A disgruntled Bernie voter like Sayoc can only hope.


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