Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Will Amazon Become AmaDRONE (VIDEO)

Amazon buys Washington Post to get DC approval for Amazon Drones to deliver packages (VIDEO)

Amazon drones will probably be used by the US government to spy on Americans (VIDEO)

A UAV expert has warned that Amazon's ambitious policy to deliver goods to customers using drones will result in the devices crashing into people

What is Amazon Prime Air?  (VIDEO)

Drones To Deliver Amazon Packages (Sooner Or Later)  (VIDEO)

"Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on Sunday said his firm is working on ways to deliver small packages via drones. That's right: Amazon "Prime Air" may eventually have thousands of robot flying machines buzzing through neighborhoods across America, dropping off everything from shoes to consumer electronics.

At least, that's the vision Mr. Bezos outlined on "60 Minutes."

"It will work, and it will happen, and it's gonna be a lot of fun," he told correspondent Charlie Rose.

Well, we would not wager against Amazon, given its relentless march toward US retail dominance. And it's easy to see how the concept would work, in a technical sort of way: Small "octocopter" unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) capable of carrying five pounds or so already exist."*

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