Friday, December 6, 2013

Convicted Military Prostitution Ring Leader Keeps Job (VIDEO)

Army sergeant convinces female military soldiers to become HIS prostitutes and he keeps his military job (VIDEO)

US military PIMP gets to keep his job after being found guilty of running prostitution ring (VIDEO)

"Female soldiers at Fort Hood testified Monday that they were recruited for a prostitution ring set up by a sergeant involved in the sexual assault and harassment program at the Central Texas post.

The testimony came as the court-martial began for another Fort Hood soldier accused of using the service, which Army prosecutors said preyed upon young, cash-strapped female soldiers at Fort Hood.

Master Sgt. Brad Grimes is a 17-year Army veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Army prosecutors said in the military court on Monday that Grimes participated in the prostitution ring set up by another Fort Hood sergeant not yet charged but still under Army investigation, the Austin American-Statesman

The case arose from an investigation of a lower-level coordinator of Fort Hood's sexual assault and harassment prevention program. The Army said a noncommissioned officer involved in the program recruited female soldiers for the prostitution ring."

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