Thursday, November 21, 2013

Major Security FLAW in Google+ can Shutdown your Youtube page instantly with no strikes, no appeal (VIDEO)

How did my youtube get terminated? Easily.

They simply flagged my GOOGLE+ account as an "impersonator". Yes, flagged my own dutchsinse MAIN GOOGLE+ page as an impersonator. LOL. They can do it anonymously, with no warning, and with no recourse by you to fix it, except, to SEND A PHOTO ID OF YOURSELF to G+ to prove you are who you say you are.

click to view full size:

google plus security flaw

What? Send a photo ID to G+ to save your YOUTUBE page from shutdown, after your G+ was falsely flagged as an "impersonator"?!!!

Madness. Seriously, big problem here, how do you PROVE you're a screen name?

They're asking for a photo ID to prove who I am. However, the google+ is named "dutchsinse". My real name is Michael Janitch.

I sent them a copy of my passport 48 hours ago, filled out the form with my real name, never even received a confirmation reply that they received it. and as of today 220am CT november 21, no reply at all.

I'm dutchsinse. How can someone ELSE, an anonymous person, report me for "impersonation"? Which then causes G+ to INSTANTLY shut down my whole G+ page.... which then leads to the INSTANT TERMINATION OF MY YOUTUBE PAGE, and a blocking of all my associated G+ pages.

A domino effect caused by one single false flagging, one single easy abuse of a security feature on youtube that, SHOULD, have human review behind it, and should not be automated.

Yesterday, thanks to this fake / false google+ shutdown , I lost 75,000 subscribers, and 800+ videos. Lost access to ALL of it. Due to a single false flag on a separate service away from youtube!!!

Again, no email from youtube OR google+ was sent to me, warning me, or giving me a dispute option.

Very strange too, Google+ and youtube BOTH have my cellphone number already on file for login and verification purposes, no message sent to my mobile device at all.

Don't forget, MOST IMPORTANTLY, there was no recourse to solve this. No link to click on, no email to send, and no option to dispute. For me to get it fixed, it literally took someone who works there to privately contact the "policy team" and do a few things to get my youtube restored.

Still locked out on Google+, still cannot make any comment even below my own video, and still cannot share anything via the share button. No reply from google, except to ask for an ID with my SCREENNAME on it?!

lol, can you say NIGHTMARE scenario here.

Meanwhile, 3 years of work , 800+ videos, and 75,000+ subscribers on the line... all capable of being wiped out from a SEPARATE service like google+ ? Somethings not right about this.

Imagine if someone could shut down your PERSONAL facebook page with the click of a button, and then YOU have to prove who YOU are because they clicked a button.

Guilty until proven innocent , meanwhile they DELETE your youtube page, delete all your content, and you have to fight to get it back?

Shouldn't the person making the impersonation CLAIM have to provide THEIR ID???????

Anyone can get shut down this way. Maybe a few larger channels will get slammed, then google might take notice. Right now, they're not responding to any of my contact attempts.

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