Saturday, August 24, 2013


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1. Why would Syria's Assad invite United Nations chemical weapons inspectors to Syria, then launch a chemical weapons attack against women and children on the very day they arrive, just miles from where they are staying?

2. If Assad were going to use chemical weapons, wouldn't he use them against the hired mercenary army trying to oust him? What does he gain attacking women and children? Nothing! The gain is all on the side of the US Government desperate to get the war agenda going again.

As I type these words, US trained and equipped forces are already across the border into Syria, and US naval forces are sailing into position to launch a massive cruise missile attack into Syria that will surely kill more Syrians than were claimed to have died in the chemical attack.

Obviously, we cannot stop this madness. The US Government is listening to Wall Street and Israel and cares not what the American people think.

But what We The People can do, must do, is send a message to the world that we do not believe the war-starting lies by the US Government.

We know this is a repeat of the same lies we were told about Saddam's nuclear weapons.

The US Government is lying, and people are dying.

Send a message to the world that the American people do not support this latest aggression, and we will not stay silent while more innocents are murdered.


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