Thursday, April 18, 2013

Men In Military Gear With Black Jackets And Black Backpacks Spotted Everywhere In Boston Marathon





Web sleuths scour thousands of marathon blast pictures to try to identify anyone they think the FBI should be investigating

  • Internet users turn detectives as they go through photographs from Boston Marathon to find anyone who may be involved

  • Individuals called out by users on Reddit and 4chan that had black backpacks prior to the bombing

  • Reddit user who started FINDBOSTONBOMBER identified as 23-year-old Boston resident and professional poker player
  • No evidence that any of those highlighted had anything to do with atrocity

  • Report says that authorities have made a significant break in the case

Read more:


Private Security with Black Backpacks Spotted at Boston Marathon (VIDEO)


Dozens of photos showing Navy Seal or Private Security personnel carrying the same black back packs which are the same style backpacks showed in FBI photos. (VIDEO)


Boston Bombing Culprits Found? 

Huge cache of images.


The corporate media is teasing this as a breakthrough, but my first thought is that if I were planting a bomb in a crowd, knowing there were cameras all around, I would wear sunglasses and possibly a cap.

So if these guys did plant the bombs, and left their faces bare, they intended to be identified.

Certainly, by announcing they have an ID in the media before they have arrested the suspect, the suspect(s) will be alerted and likely be headed for the border!
This reads more like a scripted TV show than real life.
No doubt, following their arrests, they will confess their membership in a grand nation-wide underground terror plot amongst white, gun-loving, gay-hating, Constitution-kissing, Federal Reserve hating, christian conservative patriots, supplied with bomb-making materials by Iran via North Korea!
Above comment from:


The person identified as a potential suspect wearing black jacket, tan slacks and boots, is part of a larger group all dressed the same.



Who are these clowns????
In the wider view, it is clear this is after the bombing. But they are not helping the victims, nor searching for clues. Although dressed in uniform, they show no insignia at all, not even for police or fire department. And they seem to be wearing the same backpacks used to conceal the bombs.
Who are these guys? Did they have more bombs inside those backpacks? The Boston PD radio reported additional unexploded devices, since officially denied. (but after that "arrest" gaffe yesterday, the official story on anything is automatically suspect).

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