Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Another Torture Lover in Obama's CIA (VIDEO)


"As John Brennan moved into the CIA director's office this month, another high-level transition was taking place down the hall.

A week earlier, a woman had been placed in charge of the CIA's clandestine service for the first time in the agency's history. She is a veteran officer with broad support inside the agency. But she also helped run the CIA's detention and interrogation program after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and signed off on the 2005 decision to destroy videotapes of prisoners being subjected to treatment critics have called torture."*

John Brennan, Obama's CIA Director has a history of being directly involved in the CIA's torture program, and is known for being a huge drone supporter. Well, someone has to fill his old CIA position, and who better than another advocate of torture, right? Is this a sign about Obama's position on torture not matching up with his words? Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

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