Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lawmaker Tells Teen He Has 'A Snake' For Her (VIDEO)

"Connecticut state Rep. Ernest Hewett told a 17-year-old girl, "If you're bashful I got a snake sitting under my desk here." In public. On the record. At a legislative hearing. While she was testifying about a program to overcome social anxiety of the very sort you might develop if a creep humiliates you by saying sexual things about you in public. Lots of politicians say offensive things because they're so right- or left-wing they don't get why what they're saying is offensive — like when they compare, say, abortion, or Citizens United, to slavery. Hewett's comment, made February 21, is worse. The Democrat's comment shouldn't have made it past the normal human filter."*

Rep. Ernest Hewett (D-New London) has been stripped of his position as deputy speaker of the Connecticut House of Representatives after making a comment to a teenage girl about "a snake under his desk" for her. But did he make an honest mistake? or was it sexual? Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola (Host, TYT University), and Michael Hastings (Buzzfeed) discuss.

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