Wednesday, March 20, 2013

GOP Insultingly Wonders Why Minorities Don't Like Them (VIDEO)

"We're white and rich and racist.  We can't understand why poor Blacks and Latinos don't like us!"

"As case studies go, this one was blistering. The Republican National Committee's Growth and Opportunity Project report, a scathing post-mortem of why the Republican party lost the 2012 election and what it must do to rebuild itself, examined all the ways in which the Romney campaign and the GOP went wrong. There were failures in communicating the party's message. Flaws in its organizational structure. Key voters it failed to reach."*

Republicans released their white paper, their "autopsy report" as to why they lost the 2012 elections. As it turns out, women and minorities don't vote for a party that actively disenfranchises them! What other hilarious and insulting points are made in the report? Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

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