Saturday, February 23, 2013

ANGLO CANADIAN RESPONSE TO: Quebec language police claim Italian restaurant menu has 'too much Italian'


"These are the same assholes who had back up light on the tanks that they had during the Second World War.
They also want bi-lingual signs on the East Coast of Florida. I hope the Americans don’t give in to them like Canada has. But, something tells me that because they want the Quebec sun seekers and their dollars, they will.
I could go on, and on. Just a few:
They elect members of Parliament whose sole purpose in life is to have a separate country for Quebec. Now these same members, who have absolutely no use for Canada, let alone the English, have to swear allegiance to the Queen of Canada in order to be paid by the Canadian Government (yes, the same one that they are trying to overthrow). They then retire, and collect an obscene amount of money called a Canadian Pension for MPs regardless of how old they are, e.g. 45.
These are the same people who want to be on their own, as long as they have the Canadian Currency, Canadian Pension Plan, Canadian Post Office, Canadian Airlines, trains, Universal Health Care, Armed Forces, Canadian Trans Canada Highways, Waterways, Air space, as long as they don’t have to pay back the rest of Canada for all of the Canadian Tax Payers money that has helped support that province for God knows how long.
My rant could go on, but you get the point. If you are going to post this on your blog, be sure you leave any connection to me out of it. I don’t want some connard, trou du cul from Quebec fire-bombing my house."

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