Saturday, January 26, 2013

Wall Street Enabler Appointed to SEC Chair by Obama. (OF COURSE!) VIDEO

"If your first reaction to this morning's news about President Obama nominating Mary Jo White to head the Securities and Exchange Commission is positive, that's understandable. She's a former prosecutor and, as such, much of the elite media has simply concluded that must mean the Obama administration is going to get tough on Wall Street crime.

Case in point is the framing from the New York Times' Dealbook — a publication that has literally been financially sponsored by Goldman Sachs. Not surprisingly, the Wall Street stenographers at Dealbook insist that since White is a prosecutor, it means the White House is "send(ing) a signal about the importance of holding Wall Street accountable for wrongdoing."*

Mary Jo White was chosen by President Obama to be head the Securities and Exchange Commission. Will she crack down on Wall Street? Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola (Host, TYT University) and Wes Clark Jr. explain why this means more of the same from Wall Street.

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