Tuesday, January 1, 2013

American Kids Die Invading Iraq To Steal Their Oil And Then Give It To The Chinese?

We die for Exxon-Mobil in Iraq so the Chinese can get the oil?

Chinese Oil Companies Apparent Victors in Post-Saddam Iraq

A major U.S. corporation after winning a massive contract in 2009 in southern Iraq from Baghdad, has decided to divest itself of its investment, there, preferring to develop Kurdish oil fields.

And the major foreign contender for Exxon Mobil’s Qurna-I concessions is – China. 

MORE:  http://www.blacklistednews.com/Chinese_Oil_Companies_Apparent_Victors_in_Post-Saddam_Iraq/23352/0/38/38/Y/M.html

Just...wonderful. For the trillions of dollars this war cost us; millions of Iraqis dead; thousands of US troops dead or maimed for life; hundreds of Iraqis and Vets sick with depleted uranium poisoning, causing massively aggressive cancers and birth defects; Iraq moving ever more deeply in to the geopolitical orbit of Shiite Iran; and China becomes the victor in terms of pursuing oil production?!?!?

Was no one at any level of US government thinking, at all, about what the outcome would be of a post-Saddam de-Baathification, and what that ramifications would be for the future of Iraq after the invasion and occupation was over?!?

Obviously, there was absolutely ZERO critical thinking at any level of US government, of what this would mean in the long-term.

And this is why you cannot trust the US government to actually do anything which will really benefit the American people in the long run.

However, Israel got precisely what it wanted; a completely destroyed Iraq, with a completely shattered infrastructure, now split along sectarian religious lines, which could never attain the kind of social, political, and industrial progress it had under Saddam Hussein.

What happened SHOULD be a cautionary tale to the US government about going forward with ANY geopolitical agenda which is great for Israel, but, as happened with the invasion and occupation of Iraq, lousy for the US. - WRH ( http://whatreallyhappened.com/ )

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